You'll always have me

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"Anna!" Elsa shouted. Her sister was one of the car accident victims. Anna was driving with her friends and then Kristoff's driving was too fast. They didn't notice the truck in the middle of the road and they crashed. Anna was the most injured one.

"Shh.... Elsa." Jack said, embracing his girlfriend. Elsa clutched his hoodie's fabric. Jack was hugging her tight as she sobbed in his arms. "First, Mother died just a few days ago and now Anna..." She cried. "Shh.. I know. But... Anna's going to be fine. She's a tough cookie, you know? She can make it. Believe in me, Elsa." He assured. Elsa couldn't speak and she just cried in his arms.

She's still grieving on her mother and now she's worried sick about Anna. Everyone she loves is slowly leaving her. But she still has a little hope that Anna would survive. Now she's worried about something. That Jack will leave her too.

Jack brought Elsa home. Elsa was still worried about Jack. "J-Jack... please don't leave me too." She said, still sobbing in his arms. "If I lose you... I don't know if I can....." She paused. "Elsa... I won't leave you. And you will never loose me." He said.

Few days later Elsa has been acting weird and she's always crying and she sometimes would skip meals. Jack has gotten very worried about her.

"Elsa.... you okay?" He asked. Elsa nodded expressionless. "Elsa... your'e always locked up in your room and sometimes you wouldn't eat. Elsa please.. tell me what's going on." He said. Elsa looked at him with teary eyes and then collapsed on his arms. Jack hels her tight. "I don't know, Jack. I don't know why.... but everytime I try to be okay, I just can't!" She cried.

"Elsa, your'e not fine. You should consult to a doctor or something." Jack said. "What?! You think I'm crazy?" She asked. "No! No! Ofcourse not! I just care about you a lot! And I'm worried for you. I've been worried sick since the day you acted like this. I promised to not leave you but please promise to not leave me. I love you, Elsa. I can't lose you." He said.

Elsa sobbed harder in his arms. "Save me, Jack." She said. "Save me please." She begged. "From what?" He asked. "Save me from this misery, Jack. This pain. I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to be miserable anymore." She begged as she sobbed in his arms. "I don't want to be weak." She sobbed. "Please." She begged.

Jack rubbed her back. "I'll be here, Elsa." He said. "I'll always be here. Your'e not weak. You are the strongest person I've ever known. Always remember that." Jack said with a warm smile.

A few weeks later, she was having panic attacks and Jack sometimes couldn't sleep just to watch over her. He knew she was suffering from depression and she needs him to save her from that. And he will.

They took a special treatment for free because a doctor offered it. The doctor adviced Elsa to take some pills. 3 weeks later, she was starting to feel better.

The doctor said that she was also suffering from anxiety disorder. But now, there are less panic attacks than before.

A month has passed and she was this close to recovering. She can smile now and giggle but her health isn't that much stable. Jack was beside her the whole time she was taking pills and going on treatments. Jack was beside her while she was recovering.

They couldn't visit Anna yet because it would again trigger Elsa's emotions. She needs time before she could see her sister that is currently on a coma.

1 month again has passed and she has fully recovered. Her health is already stable like before. Jack noticed how strong Elsa is. And he is happy that she got through all of this. She's so happy now like she used to be.

"Thank you, Jack." Elsa said. "For what?" Jack asked. "For saving me." She said as she looked at the perfect view from the balcony. She turned to Jack who was now kneeling down.

Her hand went to her mouth in shock. She saw a ring. "Elsa, I hope this is the right time to do this. You are the strongest person and literally the most extraordinary girl I've ever known. You know your'e more than that words... and I love you with all of my heart. I love you to the moon and stars and back. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Elsa teared up in so much happiness. "YES!" She said. Jack's eyes lit up at her answer. "Yes?" He repeated. She nodded happily. "YES!! Ofcourse I will marry you!" She responded while crying. Jack put the ring on her finger and carried her. She spun her around and they kissed.

Elsa hugged him tight. "Why would I say no to you? Ofcourse I will! I've been waiting for you to ask this my entire life!" She said. "Really?" He asked with a smirk. Elsa nodded happily again. She looked at the ring on her finger. "It's.. beautiful." She exclaimed. "Where did you get this?" She asked. "This is from my grandma. It's her engagement ring." He said. "Really? It's perfect!" She said. "Glad you liked it." He chuckled. "Liked it? I love it!"


Yes! A REVENGE!!! revenge against.... hehe...

Omg two updates because it's my bday UwU haha! Double update!

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