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3rd person:

"Okay, all set?" Asked Jonathan. Cristine and the others nodded. "We may be get lost in the woods." Jonathan teased. "Jonathan!" Rachel yelled in fear. "Josh, you coming or not?" Cristine asked. "Yes, I'm coming!!" Josh shouted.

"Come on!" Jonathan said in excitement. They all ventured to find a place to stay in since they want to explore the whole forest.

"We need to find a place to stay in first!" Cristine said. They all stopped in realization. "Where? I mean, we could build a house or a tent. And maybe just a campfire will do?" Rachel suggested.

"I see." A woman with platinum blonde hair spoke and they all turned around to where the sound came from. It was a beautiful woman. "You need a place to stay in?" The woman wondered, combing her platinum blonde hair using her hand. "My name is Elsa. And I know a place where you could stay the night." Elsa offered with a wide grin.

"Sweet! Thanks, Elsa." Rachel said with a bright smile. Elsa nodded and said "Your'e welcome." And the smile is not leaving her beautiful face. "Just follow me. I'll show you the way." Elsa said and led the way.

"Mind if you introduce yourselves?" Elsa said as she was walking. "I'm Rachel! And this is Cristine, Jonathan, and Josh!" Rachel happily introduced. "You seem cheerful. Are you always cheerful like this?" Elsa asked. They all nodded.

"Elsa? Are you in a relationship?" Josh asks. Cristine smacks Josh hard and Elsa just laughed. "Actually, I'm married." Elsa answered. "His name's Jack." She added. It is impossible for her not to be taken or in a relationship. With a beauty like no one ever had, she'll probably win everyone's hearts.

Soon, they arrived at a mansion. A very beautiful mansion the place was filled with the four friends' gasps and exclaims. "This is my home." Elsa said and Rachel squealed. "It's beauliful, Elsa." Cristine said. "I'm glad you liked it." Elsa said.

Elsa continued on walking but what the four friends didn't know that there's going to be a big night ahead of them.

They followed Elsa inside the mansion. "Everyone, meet my husband, Jack." Elsa said as she wrapped her arms around Jack's waist. "Jack, these are Rachel, Cristine, Jonathan, and Josh." Elsa introduced. The four seemed scared of him for looking so serious. "Come on, he won't bite." Elsa urged them to greet Jack. "H-hi, Jack." Cristine stuttered. "Hello, Cristine." Jack greeted back but he sounded like a creep. "Hi! I'm Rachel! Nice to meet you, Jack!" Rachel cheerfully introduced herself.

"I like her attitude." Jack said as he smiled. Rachel giggled. "Thanks!" "Hi, Jack. I'm Josh." Josh introduced while shaking really bad. "Nice to meet you, Josh. And you are probably Jonathan." Jack said and pointed to Jonathan at the corner. "H-hi, Jack." Jonathan stuttered. "Nice to meet you all." Jack said as he smiled to them.

Elsa giggled, finding his actions cute. "Now everyone, be nice to Jack, okay?" Elsa said and they all nodded. "Because if your'e not, there will be consequences." Jack said. Elsa gasped. "Jack! Don't scare them!" Elsa scolded. "Relax, Els. I'm just kidding!" Jack laughed.

"Now, Jack will lead you to your rooms. Now, Jack, don't scare them like that again." Elsa said and Jack nodded and kissed Elsa. "I promise." He said. "I'll go prepare dinner, okay?" Elsa said before leaving.

"Alright, don't try and do anything stupid or else, there will be serious consequences. I know Elsa said to not listen to my threats but you have been warned." Jack said with a terrifying glare. They gulped and nodded in fear.

"Now, your rooms." Jack said and lead them upstairs. "T-thank you." Cristine stuttered and closed her room's door. "Thank you, Mr. Jack!" Rachel said in a cheerful manner. Jack messed her hair. "Your'e welcome." He said as he smiled.

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