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"What should I do? It seems like she doesn't like me?" Jack frustratingly asked himself, pacing around the bathroom. "Oh! I know! I can prank her like I always do, to cheer Elsa up!" He said as he left the bathroom and went to the middle of the museum where no one was there.

When he saw Elsa coming out from the elevator, repeating words that seems like calming her down. "I'm cool! Conceal, don't feel. Don't let it show! Conceal it, Elsa! Don't feel! Don't feel, don't feel, don't fee- AHH!!" She jumped in shock as she saw Jack. Or his statue.

She sighed in relief. "Phew! It was only a statue. How come I didn't see it earlier? Silly me." She giggled a little.

"Wow.. it looks.... so real." Elsa says and caressed Jack's 'statue' 's cheek. "The wax is just as hot as his skin..." She said and then dared to sniff his shirt.

"It even smells exactly like Jack!" She exclaimed. "He's so perfect. Too perfect that I can't confess that I love him." Elsa sighed. "Oh, if only this statue is real. If only I could hear him saying that he loves me. If only I could.... feel him press his lips against mine. To feel his strong and protective arms wrap around me in a loving way." Elsa says and then her eyes widened. "Did I just say my thoughts out loud?" She says and then her eyes widened more. She had just said it out loud.

"But you're only a statue so it's fine. Besides, there's no one here." She said and embraced the statue. "You're just warm as Jack." She said and touched his stomach. "It even has his abs!!" She exclaimed.

"Oh... those beautiful eyes that I love so much. Those beautiful blie eyes." She couldn't help but swoon at the statue. "Oh Jack.... would you mind, running away with me?" She giggled.

"So we can get married and have kids and a hamster. And let's name it 'Snowflake!' Isn't that lovely?" She kept talking to the statue.

"Oh.. If only I was a statue. Everything might have been easier." She wrapped her arms around the statue's neck. "Why haven't we've been molded together in the plaster of destiny? Marble to marble. Wax lips against the wax lips. Entwined for eternity." Elsa said and slowly leaned in to kiss it.

It was a hard press and then it moved. Elsa jumped in shock and screamed. "I'm so sorry, Elsa. It's just a prank I didn't mean-" "It was not funny at all!" Elsa shouted at him and covered her face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. It's been a year with you and I think I'm still not used to be a very good friend. And I didn't know you were inlove-" "Okay! Alright! I'm inlove with you, Jack! Since you first gave me that umbrella! I've been hiding my feelings for you eveer since! I know yiu would reject me so I don't wanna hear your answer anymore." Elsa said and looked down frustratingly.

"I'm kind of having a crush on you too." He said and Elsa looked at him in shock. He held her hand and intertwined their fingers together. "J-Jack..." She stuttered.

He cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately.

"Elsa... I.... I-I love you." Jack whispered after they pulled away. Elsa pressed her forehead against his. "I... I love you too, Jack." She said and Jack stole a kiss again.

"Hey!" She shouted and he kissed her again. "Jack!" Elsa laughed and ran. "Oh.. I'm gonna get you, Elsie!" Jack says and she just giggled.

"Gotcha!" Jack shouted as he hugged her tight. She giggled. "No fair!" She said and Jack just kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes, Jack. Yes!" Elsa replied happily and kissed him.

"All that's left to do is study til' we finish college, work, get married and ofcourse.... get our hamser 'Snowflake'." He said and she hugged him. He kissed the top of her head.

"We must stay together, then." Elsa giggled. "Love you." Jack says. "Love you more." She giggled.


This was inspired by 'Puppeteer 2' episode of Miraculous Ladybug.

That kind of cringey moment........

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