My wife??

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{3rd person:}

"Hey, Tooth." Jack says with a smile on his face. "Hello, Jack." She greeted back politely.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked making Tooth nod at him with a faint smile. "Sure."

"Last night, I had a dream. It's a girl with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. She's.. really beautiful and she seems to be looking at me that whole dream. Do I know her?" Jack asks. Tooth's eyes widened.

"You don't know her?" Tooth says making Jack look worriedly at her. "Am I supposed to?" He asked.

"She's your wife, Elsa." Tooth says and Jack's eyes widened. "My wife?" Jack muttered. "I have a wife?" He asked. "You don't.. remember her?" Tooth's voice was sounding hurt.

"I'm sorry.... I really don't." Jack says looking down. "But.. can you tell me more about her?" He pleaded making Tooth sigh.

"You met her at this place called the enchanted forest. You were kind of stalking her that day you first saw her. Then, one day she needed a protector. More like a bodyguard. Then you volunteered, vowing to protect the fifth spirit of the enchanted forest with your whole life.

Then you became friends with her and her other friend whom I believed is.. Honeymaren. Yes, Honeymaren. You've been friends with them for 6 years.

After those 6 years, you've decided to make Elsa as more than your friend. You wanted to make her yours. So Honeymaren made a plan for you two. She made a competition on who's more powerful. Her pet salamander was the guest.

Then after, you confessed your feelings to her only to find out that she feels the same about you. Then you became together. After that, you started mating with each other.

Few weeks, Pitch wanted to take you and probably kill you. Elsa was pregnant at that time you two visited North Pole. She was so scared for her child that day but thanks to Manny, he had sworn to protect your child. He even gave it a name.

You have summoned warriors from different dimensions. The land of the dawn, Paris, Berk, Corona, and Scotland to defeat Pitch.

His nightmares were stronger that day and you.. you sacrificed yourself for Elsa that night you battled with Pitch. Then she struck his heart with her ice powers out of anger. Yes, she has ice powers like you.

The elements of the forest had a plan. A plan to get you two together. So the spirits had brought you back. Manny was helping to bring you back too, and your clothes had changed.

And without knowing it, the elements had wedded you two.

Then you gave birth to a babygirl named Emma who is also immortal like her parents and has ice powers too.

Then 16 years later, a guy named Hans wanted revenge. So he took Emma to an almost hidden place, until you found out where it is.

Then there was a battle. A brutal one. Warriors from other dimensions had joined the battle too.

Then Hans' daughter came into the battle and ended it. However, Elsa got badly wounded only to be healed by Emma.

Years and years later, you've lived happily on your own. You even had a son named after your real name, Jackson." Tooth explained all of these informations that she got from Ahtohallan. But one important information of Elsa's whereabouts is what Jack has to find out himself.

Tooth sighed. "But you should be the one to know how she disappeared and how you forgot her. You are her husband, Jack. I'm just a sister-in-law." She says.

"She really loved you, you know. She wouldn't spare a single second without you. The way she looks at you.... that look of love. True love. You were her everything." Tooth says as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

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