In another life

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(Thank you for the voice reveal Frosty_Ballad here's a happy fanfic for you.)

{3rd person:}

"Jack.. you came back.." Elsa cridd as she caressed his cheek. "For you only, my snowflake." He replied with a soft smile. Elsa leaned in for a kiss until their lips met. Jack grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. They pulled away moments later. "But you're not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to die... for hurting you. I... I can't let that happen a second time. So please just.. leave. It's for the best." Elsa said and Jack put his finger onto her lips, shushing her. "No. I will never leave you behind. We promised we're going to be together forever. We promised that--" he held her hand. "--if we were ever separated, we will always get back to each other. Now.... let's go. We still have time to end this nightmare." He said making her eyes wide open. "But.... I'm... a monster. I deserve to die and suffer. I deserve to be in Pitch's lair. I deserve to rot in here. I'm.. I'm not like you. I'm not the princess of the story. I'm not that beautiful lady a prince always dreamed of. I'm not that kind of girl that the prince wants to spend his life with. To be his queen."

"Look at me--" Jack lifted her chin up for her to look at him. "--It's me, Elsa. It's the Jackson Overland Frost. The Jackson Overland Frost that loves you so much. You may not be the princess in the story.. but to me, you are! You're that princess this prince wants to spend his life with. You're that beaytiful lady this prince always dreamed of. You're the princess that this prince wants. So, Elsa Arendelle. I'm asking you...

Will you become my queen and rewrite this story with me?"

Those words made Elsa realize how much this prince that she loves, loves her. How much love he felt when she was just treating him like his fodder. She used him to get what she wants. She used him to find her true prince, wich is Jack himself. She used him and never really took him seriously. Even his love. Now, this is real. This isn't a story by some famous author. This isn't the story in her picture book when she was a kid. No. This is THEIR story.

Elsa held his hand and smiled at him with tears flowing down from her eyes. "Yes. Yes, I will." Was her reply before Jack pulled her closer. "Together, we are one." He whispered before leaning in to kiss her. She leaned closer until their lips met and they held each other's hands. They intertwined their fingers as they were enjoying each and every moment of their kiss. The first kiss that was filled with true love and passion. The first kiss that made her feel like she was flying with him. The first kiss that she will remember even in her death. Yes, this is only the beginning of a wonderful story.

The story she read when she was a kid may not have a happy ending, but their story will. And she is certain of that.

There once was a beast who is inlove with a prince. She went to a witch's place because she wants to be a human to marry the prince she is inlove with. The witch then told her to give her the beast's wings in exchange of a human body. The beast then agreed to the witch, saying that she'll do anything just to marry the prince. The witch then ripped her wings off and turned her into a human. It was painful, but as she said, she will do anything just to marry the love of her life. She then attended a ball wich the prince held, wearing a fancy dress. The girl who was once a beast, is now a beautiful human lady. She caught the prince's eye and offered her to dance. She gladly accepted the offer. A few days, the prince decided to marry her. The girl was so happy that she can finally be with him for the rest of her life. Or so she thought. They got married and had a family together. Then one day, the witch came up to her, saying that she accomplished her dreams now, so she has to turn the girl back into what she was. She refused, but then, she has to accept that she is in fact, a beast and will never be like the prince who is a human. She tearfully agreed with the witch and turned back into a beast. She had her wings again. But she will lose everything. She then flew and left the prince with their children. This might sound selfish, but she needs to. She doesn't want him to be horrified because she was a beast. She wanted to be the beautiful lady she was forever and live with the prince who is now a king. She always watches over her husband and children above the sky whenever she would fly towards the kingdom. The king didn't marry another because he loves the girl. The girl he didn't knew was a winged beast. Still, they both continued living their lives on their own. People come and go. That's just how life is. Not every story has a happy ending. Not like in the fairytale books children always reads. That's how life is. Not everything ends well. But some things does.

-The beast and the prince

A bright blue light shone as Jack and Elsa were still having their moment. It was a spark of their love. The kind of spark that will live on forever. The spark of a love so true. That spark that will shine brightly whenever and wherever destiny leads them both.

Jack and Elsa pulled away and smiled at each other. "I love you." Elsa whispered in wich Jack replied with "-- I love you too, my queen."

They both heard an evil laugh and both just stared at the pitch black man who was standing in front of them emotionlessly. "Is this some kind of joke? I'm still the most powerful being to ever exist!" Pitch said then laughed.

"We'll see about that." Jack replied with a smirk and Elsa flew high up in the sky and shot an ice beam at Pitch wich he dodged. Elsa's eyes became pure white, and it was so bright that you couldn't even stare at it. But once you see a glimpse of her, she looks like a glowing goddess that will guide you to the heavens.

Jack grew his wings from connecting with Elsa frequently every night. He grew blue horns and Elsa grew white ones. Jack immerged from below and held his beloved Elsa's hand. And with that, they flew. Their wings guiding them. Their glowing eyes pointing at their target, the nightmare king who wanted to destroy the world using fear.

Pitch almost gave up when Elsa was about to strike him with her ice-made spear but then, one of his horses stabbed her in the chest. Jack beheaded the black horse and held Elsa close to him. "Not yet!! We're gonna have to continue and rerwite our story!!" Jack shouted and Elsa's eyes slowly fluttered open. "Hold my hand!!" He said and Elsa gripped it tightly. "It's time for us to become one." Jack said and Elsa smiled. She removed the nightmare sand spear pierced in her stomach and gripped her ice spear tight. Jack held the spear with her and gave her a nod.

"I'm happy I met you, Jack!! I love you!!" Elsa shouted with a smile. Jack chuckled. "I love you too!" Was his reply. "Let's get this over with!!" Elsa yelled and pierced her spear into Pitch's chest.

Life flashed before their eyes. They were sitting close to each other, their lips almost touching. "We are one now, snowflake. You are me.." "and I am you." Elsa replied.

"We'll probably vanish soon." Jack said and Elsa smiled at him. "It doesn't matter how long it takes. If we have souls, I swear I'll meet you again on earth." Elsa said. "You're right. But the path we've walked down will never fade."

"I love you, Elsa." Jack said in wich Elsa replied with "I love you too, Jack."

An explosion of both blue and black color occured above the sky. Jack and Elsa were there too, meaning that they both vanished along with Pitch and his nightmare horses.

~year 2145~

"Jack! Where are you taking me?" Elsa asked as she was on a blindfold, Jack dragging her around. "It's a secret." He replied.

They soon got there and Jack took her blindfold off. "Surprise!" Jack cheered. Elsa smiled widely, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You remembered our anniversary!" She said.

"There's one more thing.." Jack said. He kneeled down in front of Elsa and she put her hand over her mouth.

"Elsa, you know we've been together for six years. And those six years were the best years that happened to me. And.. I realized.. that I wanna be with you. Forever. For the rest of our lives. And.. I hope that even if I'm not good with house chores, you'll still stay with me." Jack chuckled. "-- Elsa... will you marry me?" He said as he pulled out a diamond ring.

Elsa couldn't say anything because of the tears, but she just nodded. "Yes!! Yes!! I'll marry you, Jack!!" Elsa said and Jack put the ring on her finger. He stood up and kissed her passionately. Elsa responded and cupped his cheeks.

"I love you so much." Jack said after they pulled away. Elsa giggled and replied with "I love you too."


I need to cry-

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