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(Based on a real story.. it's mine this time even the nightmare😄

Trigger Warning: Hans, mentions of seggsual a$$ault

Yes, Hans is a disturbing image)


Elsa was on her couch, her arms around a snall pillow as she stared blankly at the ceiling. No thoughts, head empty. It was one of those days where she would stare off into the unknown just because she was bored, or because she felt like it. Not thinking of anything, just dozing off. Kind of like sleeping with your eyes open.

Her eyes shifted to the screen door of her house, her and Jack's house. She sighed softly.

Just as she was about to go back to her silly daydream, the screen door opened. She wanted to sit up the couch but she couldn't. She wanted to move, but something was stopping her. It almost seemed like she was paralyzed. She couldn't make out the reason why was she stuck on her couch. She couldn't even say anything.

The door had fully opened, and she didn't expect who came in.

She remembers it, his green eyes that had managed to decieve her. The sideburns she knew all too well. Those hands that couldn't seem to understand a simple rejection. The hands that she could remember the feeling as clear as day. His voice ringing in her ears, it was an alarm, a warning.

He couldn't seem to leave her alone, even now when she'd tied the knot before him.

She remembered the same hands that had tormented her for months. It was two years of silence and unconsensual intimacy. Something she never wanted, but couldn't do anything to stop it. She tried, but it seems like it was never enough.

She had tried to tell someone, but her consience stopped her. Anna was happy with him, and she didn't want to ruin it all. All because she wasn't strong enough to keep refusing, keep rejecting, keep saying no.

Now he was here, and she was paralyzed in her own fear. She didn't know what else to do.

He smiled, and if she was another naive girl, she would have believed it was a genuine one.

He started heading towards the prey, and her heart pounded like it was the last time it was going to pump.

"I haven't seen you in a while, and here you are.. you're still as beautiful as ever."

She shuddered, at the same time trying to lift a finger. No use.

"You don't need to be scared.." he held his hand out, and she couldn't say anything. She couldn't say no.

"I'm sorry about what happened, years ago.." His hand came in contact with her shoulder and tears threatened to fall down her eyes.

"I got tempted, and I thought you were okay with it."

Okay with it? Why would she be okay with it? She said no. She refused him. She hit him. She kicked him away. She locked her door. She hid the keys to her room. She fought tooth and nail not to let her guard down. Plus, she already had Jack. What made him think she was okay with it? She yelled at him. She cried. She broke down in front of him. She begged him. She told him about Jack, how much she only loved him. She didn't go to sleep. She kept watching out for him all night.

And she's okay with it?

"Because you always let me.."

She tried not to let him, and still he fought, and forced her. He forced his hands on her. Every night. She never picked up things around him, because once she bends over, god knows what would become of her.

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