Rotg (frozen)

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(A/N: It's just like Rise of the guardians but with frozen.)


My name.. is Elsa.Because.. the moon told me so. And that was all he ever told me. I have a lover named Jack Frost. I met him when I was isolated, getting passed through by other people. We became friends and developed feelings for each other and began to see each other as lovers.

Today is our 300th year anniversary. Can you believe that? We've been together for 300 years! And yet he's still the one who sees me.

He had the same situation too. He's always been passed through by people around him like he's just... invisible.

For the first time, I thought I was going to be forever alone, but it turns out, there's someone like me out there who I can spend the time of my life with.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. I felt warm breaths on my shoulders. I heard his husky voice greet me and call me snowflake.

"Happy 300th anniversary, Snowflake." He said. My heart softened and I blushed. I turned around and kissed him on the lips. "Happy 300th anniversary, Frosty." I said.

"It's been a long time since the moon told us about who we are. But never told us the reason of what we are. About why are we invisible. About how is this curse going to end?" Jack said.

I kissed his forehead. "Maybe the moon wanted us to figure that out ourselves." I said.

We stood silent for a while, never saying anything. Jack suddenly held my hand. "Let's go spread winter, shall we?" He said, hoping it would change the topic about the moon not answering the questions that's still in our heads for ages. I nodded with a smirk. I wrapped my arms around his neck and flew across Burgess.

He jumped on buildings, freezing them as his feet touched every inch of the things he jumped across, while I got to spread some snow all over the place.

We saw little kids playing in the snow. Some having a snowball fight, and some building a snowman.

"Hi! I'm Samantha! And I like warm hugs!" A kid said mimicking a voice. I went a step closer to the kid and smiled warmly.

"Don't we deserve to play too?" Jack suddenly asked behind my back. I smirked and made a snowball.

"The cold never bothered me anyway." I said as I threw it right at his face.

"Ow!" Jack said while wiping the snow off his nose.

We snowball fighted for some moments and we went on other places like we always do.

"Now that is fun." I said as I leaned on his shoulder. He giggled softly.

"Hey wind!" He called. A strong gushing of wind was felt. "Take us home!" I commanded. The wind did so immediately.

We were walking on a fence while watching some children playing around.

"The easter bunny is real." Said one kid.
"He's real alright!" Jack agreed to the little boy. "Real annoying, real grumpy, and REALLY full of himself." He teased. I giggled. We watched them doing who-knows-what. I smiled at the kids playing. I never got the chance to experience that.

"Jamie, Hat!" A woman said. Must be the little boy's mother. "You wouldn't want Jack Frost nipping at your nose."  Said his mother. I laughed.

"Who's Jack frost?" Jamie asked. "No one, Honey. It's just an expression." His mother answered. I narrowed my eyes at Jamie's mom. "Hey!" I shouted. "Who's Jack frost?" Jack repeated Jamie's question while making a snowball. He threw it right at Jamie.

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