Take me to the stars

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"You're telling me, that we've been praying thousand nights and days for her to be healed,----" he gestured towards Elsa "------ and we've done many freaking tests and therapies just for you all to say that your system has failed?! That some bullsh*t!!!" Jack yelled at the nurses in front of him, while his wife was concerned abput him.

"SHE'S DYING FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! And IT IS MY FAULT THAT YOUR STUPID TECHNOLOGY DOESN'T WORK?!" He then yelled with tears streaming from his eyes. One of the nurses dared to speak, but Jack interrupted her. "My wife's life is at risk and you're not doing anything." He said making the nurse feel pity for him. For him and his wife.

"J-Jack..." Elsa spoke softly, making Jack calm. He turned to her direction and kneeled on the side of her bed and held her hands. "Please don't cry." She begged from him. She let go of his hand and wiped his tears away using her thumb. Jack kissed her hand that was on his cheek.

"I'm going to be alright, Jack." Elsa spoke with a faint smile. "I'm going to get through this with you. I'm going to survive this. And once I do, we'll come back to that mountain again and look at the stars together. We've always wanted to see those at night, remember?--" her smile started to go wide as tears ran down her cheeks "--And then, we will live a happy family with our children. And nothing else will ever matter anymore. It's just me, you, and the kids." She said and the nurses and the doctor seemed to be crying.

"So, don't cry now. I promise I'll.... survive." Elsa said and gestured for him to come closer. Jack then kissed her lips passionately. "I love you..." He whispered after they pulled away making Elsa smile softly.

"Mr. Frost?" The nurse called, breaking the silence. Jack turned to look a them. "Can we have a word?" The doctor says making Jack nod. He turned to Elsa whi gave him a small nod with a soft smile. "Go ahead." She said and he kissed her hand.

~with Jack~

"I-is there any chance to save her?" Jack asked with his voice trembling, holding back the tears threatening to come out from his eyes. No, he can't lose her.

"There is, but-" Jack cut the doctor off. "Just tell me." He said with pleading eyes. "Please. Whatever it is, I'll do it. She has to live." He begged, so desperate to save her. The doctor gulped. She had never seen a guy ready to risk his life just for the love of his life. He really loved her.

"H-heart transplant, Mr. Frost." The doctor stuttered. He just gave her a small nod. "When?" He asked. "Sir, she needs you, by her side. Her emotions can also affect her heart." The doctor says and a tear ran down Jack's cheek. He punched the wall making the doctor flinch.

"I know but... I can't let her die! I love her!" He sobbed. "I'll do everything just to save her. Even if I put my life at risk. I just can't lose her." He said making the doctor nod. "I-if that's the case, you should.. prepare yourself and probably, spend some time with her." Doctor Snow says and patted his shoulder before she left.

~with Elsa~

Jack came into her room with a faint smile. "Jack, what did you talk about?" She asked breaking the silence. "Doctor Snow told me about your--" he gulped. "heart transplant."

"Oh...." She said and Jack walked towards her. He held her hand and it was shaking. "I'm scared." She said with her hands trembling.

"You're gonna be alright. You're gonna survive. You have to believe in me." He said and kissed her hand. "Besides, I'll never leave your side... ever." He said to her making her smile.

He picked her up bridal style from her bed and put her on a wheelchair. "Jack, where are we going?" Elss asked with a wide smile. Her skin was so pale, and she was so thin.

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