Best Friend

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(They say I excel at my job as "the ceo of making people cry over words" so what I'm gonna do today is to prove it so yeah! Just testing.)


"Jack!!" I heard Toothiana call from afar. I didn't really like her so I just ignored her. She always follows me and clings on my arm. I find it disgusting everytime. But this is the popular life. Gotta deal with it.

"Hey!!" She cheered as she clinged on my arm. As expected. She giggled a bit but I just ignored her yet again. She's really annoying. "My car just broke and needed some repairing so I was hoping you could get me a ride?" She asked and I was trying not to vomit at the moment. "Get a taxi." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have any money.." Toothiana muttered shyly. I threw 10 dollars at her and got inside my car, locking the doors instantly. She knocked on my window shouting "That's rude!!" But I only started the engine and drove off without a single damn about her.

I'm finally free from the clutches of that girl. I sighed i  relief as there was no Toothiana inside my car just to annoy me.

"Ughhhh!!!!!" I groaned loudly as I dropped my bag. I just ran from 10 fangirls earlier before the car scene and everything. I hate it.

I went to my room and turned my laptop on. Maybe I could watch some hentai or something. Who knows?


"Elsa Arendelle!!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I came downstairs only to find my mother angry at me.

"This is the fifth time, young lady!! I told you to take your medications!!" Mom yelled at me. I tried to argue, but was cut off by her saying how precious life can be and I'm just gonna waste it, blah blah blah...

I have stage 3 lung cancer, you see. I can still be saved but I... I wanted to die. Die like every other hopeless sick people. But mom won't allow it. So I secretly stopped taking medications.

"Just tell me why you're doing this to yourself!!" She shouted. "Because I don't have anything to fight for. I don't have any reason to fight this disease. I have no reason to live. I have no friends. I can't even talk to one of my classmates in school. I'm a coward. I just... want to disappear." I replied as I was tearing up.

"I wish it'd be easy not to be afraid just to say one single greeting to anyone. I wish it'd be easy not to tremble on anything or to be scared of everything. I wish I didn't have this anxiety building up on my body. I wish I could be with you everytime, mom. Everytime I'm afraid, I wish I could hold your hand tight to calm myself down. But I need to be independent. My future depends on me. But I... can't do a single thing without anyone by my side. I don't want to.. be a coward but..." I paused as I don't have anything to say anymore.

"I think... if I died, it would be better. Everything will be alright. I'll be fine and happy if I were dead..." I continued my sobbing and I put my hands over my face.

Mom suddenly embraced me tightly. "Oh.. my little snow.. I wish it'd be like that too. I didn't want to let you go on your first day of school when you were small. But I want you to have friends and meet new people. Someone who can make you fight your sickness. A reason to live. And someday, somewhere out there, you will find someone precious. You will love that person with all of your heart as much as I love you. You will fight for that person. That person will be the reason of why.. why are you still fighting?"

"Just wait for that person who will let you see the beauty of this world. How magical love really is." She said and rubbed my back. "Now, promise me you're going to take your medications now. Mama can't lose you too." She said and pulled away from the hug. I hugged her again once she pulled away. I felt her kiss the top of my head.

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