Fools (Welcome pt.2)

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3rd person:

Once they got into Elsa's mansion, they were surprised and in shock. They were exclaiming of how beautiful her mansion was. "We've reached my house. Now, there is someone who I'd really love for you to meet." Elsa said and lead them to the living room.

"This place is... amazing." Honeymaren exclaimed. "Thank you." Elsa said as she smiled at her. "By the way, make yourselves at home! I'll go get him upstairs." She said and went upstairs to find Jack to meet their new guests.

Elsa opened the door and went inside their bedroom. "Jack, we have guests downstairs. Now don't do anything too fast like the last time we've had guests or should I say... victims." Elsa said with a smirk and Jack stole a kiss. "You know  me so well but... okay. I promise." Jack said and Elsa smiled widely. "Good. Now, time for you to meet them." She says and went downstairs.

Elsa saw Olaf playing with the dolls that she had displayed or.. organized since she just found those dolls at the mansion. "Hey there, little guy." Elsa greeted with a smile, bending down to match his height. "Hello." Olaf replied softly. Elsa couldn't help but giggle at him. (I feel a mother and son connection right here.)

"You like them?" She said and Olaf nodded. "They're so cute." Olaf exclaimed. "You can keep it if you'd like." Elsa said with a wide smile. She had to say that he's cute.

"Really?" His eyes widened and a big smile was plastered on his face. Elsa nodded and Olaf giggled. "Thank you, Miss Elsa." He said. "Call me Elsa." Elsa says and ruffled his hair.

Jack soon came downstairs with a smile on his face. "By the way, where are the others?" She asked Olaf. "They were wandering around but I'll go get them. By the way, Mi- Elsa, who is this guy behind you?" Olaf asks.

"Oh! This is Jack, my husband." Elsa introduced Jack to Olaf and he couldn't help but to smile at Jack. Elsa was clinging onto his arm. "He looks like a prince." Olaf says and Elsa chuckled. "Indeed, he is."

"Olaf! There you are!" Anna sighed in relief when she found her little brother. Anna turned to Elsa and noticed that she was clinging onto a pale white haired man's arms. Anna has got to admit that they look cute for some unknown reason.

"Um... guys, this is the one who I'd love you to meet. This is Jack, my husband." Elsa introduced and the room was filled with 'ohh's. Anna smiled a bit because they were really cute and she was happy to find out that they're a couple.

"Jack, this is Anna, Kristoff, Honeymaren, and Ryder." Elsa pointed to each one of them. Jack smiled. "Welcome." He said.

"They're staying the night with us, Jack. Wouldn't that be alright with you?" Asked Elsa. Jack nodded and Elsa smiled at him. "Now, everyone be nice to him, okay? He seems intimidating but he's being himself." Elsa chuckled and nudged Jack.

"Aren't you guys hungry? Well,if you are, then just go get some snacks at the fridge. We've got plenty, don't worry." Elsa says and Honeymaren rushed to the fridge to get some snacks.

"Maren! Woah! Slow down!" Ryder exclaimed. Honeymaren was already munching on her cheeze flavored chips. "What? I'm hungry!" Honeymaren demanded. "But you're not at our house, Miss Northuldra!" Ryder argued but Honeymaren kept on eating.

Elsa let out a small laugh. "It's fine. Besides, you're our guests." Elsa said with a grin. "Chocolate!!" Anna exclaimed as she grabbed a bar of hersheys. "Want some?" Anna offered Elsa a piece of chocolate. "No thanks. It's yours." Elsa denied.

"Come on, sis! Try some!" Anna urged. "Sis?" Elsa raised an eyebrow. "Because.. um.. you and I are kind of a look-alike as if we're sisters so.. hehe.." Anna giggled akwardly.

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