Not a perfect wedding.

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(A/N: I'll mention those jelsa-shipper based characters at the Author's Note below at the end.)

{Elsa's POV}

Jack an I are currently at the reception. "I love you." I say to him and he kissed me.

Few moments, we heard some screaming and we saw some people running. Then from a distance, came the people all covered in blood, making some weird noises.

"What's happening?" I whisper to Jack. "I don't know. But I think we need to run." He said and dragged me to the exit. "Wait!" I said and ripped the long skirt of my wedding gown. "I can't run with these." I said and threw the part of the skirt off.

I noticed that the people that's chasing them were biting the guests. Luckily, Anna was on our country so I do not have to worry about her. But I feel bad for the guests either.

But... could those crazy people be..


"We need to run." I whispered to him and I dragged him towards the exit. I saw a knife on the table and grabbed it. Just in case we run onto one of the zombies.

"Jack, I have something to tell you and this is so not good." I say to him as we were running. "What is it?" He asked. "I think this is a zombie apocalypse." I said to him and just as I expected, we ran into a zombie.

I ran towards it and sunk the knife deep on its head. I feel its skeleton crushing to pieces and the knife going deeper into its brain, killing the zombie.

I pulled the knife out and some blood splashed on my dress wich is actually disusting. But I didn't have time to mind that. We are on a difficult situation now.

While the other zombies were distracted from the guests' flesh they were eating, we made a run for the exit.

"Take this." I said and handed him the knife wich he took. "The gate is locked. Mind if you help me climb up?" I say. He nodded and helped me up.

"Now you!" I said and he climbed up the gate but a zombie stopped him. "Stab it!" I shouted. He stabbed the top of its head and in a metter of seconds, the zombie couldn't move no more. He then climbed up.

He pecked my lips. "That was a close call." He said and we saw more and more zombies coming towards us. "This is bad. Well, I don't have any weapons." I said. Well, I am also basically good at shooting since I'm the mafia boss' daughter. But that's all in the past. My dad's dead.

"All we have is one knife." He says and I looked at the zombies walking towards us very slowly. Until..

Gunshots were heard from afar. A girl was on top of a truck holding a machine gun, shooting the zombies.

"DIE YOU MOTHERF***!!" The girl shouted. That was some strong language.

"Hey, cuties!!" The girl called out. We looked up at her. "Us?" I mouthed and the girl nodded. "Ya'll are coming or not?" She asked. Jack and I exchanged glances.

"Oh! I am sorry that my friend here interrupted you both making love." A girl with short black hair says and nudged her friend. She looks like she's asian though.

"Puja!!" The short haired girl called out. Then a voice replied. "What?!" The girl whom I believe named "Puja" says sounding annoyed. "Someone's here to join our gang." The other girl said.

"So? Ya'll coming? Or just gonna become zombie food?" The girl holding a machine gun says. "Yes. We're coming." I said politely and the short haired girl gave us a nod.

"Jocie! Mind escorting them?" The short haired girl says to the other girl. Jocie? Is it a short for a name? Like a nickname or a real name?

"No, Julsy! YOU escort them." Jocie shouted to Julsy. I do not believe that name. That must be a nickname too. But I'll call her Julsy for now.

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