His heather

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(When your name is Heather but you're not his heather(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ'))

{3rd person:}

"Oh... Hello there, Jack!" A girl named Toothiana called out with a wave. Elsa looked up and saw Jack waving back. Jack. Her own boyfriend, waving at another girl.

"Uh... hey." Jack greeted and Elsa kept her anger to herself. Just wait, Sluthianna. Just wait until I finally decided to kill you. Literally.

"Ooh.. who is she?" Toothiana asked pointing at Elsa. "I'm Elsa. Jack's fiance, future Mrs. Frost." Elsa replied.

I hope she heard that clearly because I don't want anyone stealing him away from me.

"Oh... I thought she was a step-mom or something. I'm very sorry." Toothiana says politely. "No, it's alright!" Elsa said and clinged onto Jack's arm. "I'm not that sensitive to get affected by having to be mistakened as a step-mom. It's no big deal!" She added.

Offend me all you want but sorry... Jack loves me.

Jack chuckled. "Sweetheart, I'm very sorry for that." He said. "Oh! No problem, darling! Like I said, it's no big deal at all!"

Take that, Sluthianna.

"Come on now, Love. We still need to prepare for our wedding." Jack said making Toothiana furious inside. "Sure, Frosty! Let's go!"

Sweetheart?! Darling?! Love?! Frosty?! That Elsa is really getting on my nerves...

"Well then.. nice meeting you!" Elsa cheered and leaned on Jack's shoulder making him chuckle and lean his head against hers. "Let's go now!" Elsa said with a giggle and Jack joined in too.

Ha! Sluthianna will never get a chance now that Jack is head over heels for me. For me and FOR ME ONLY.

"Oh.. Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom, Jack. Can you wait for me here?" Elsa asked and Jack nodded. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. "Take your time, babe. Love you!" He said.

"Love you too." Elsa replied with a giggle.

Elsa left! Now's my chance!!

But then, someone tapped Toothiana's shoulder. She turned around and saw Elsa. "Just what do you think you're going to do?" Elsa said with her sweet smile.

"You're going to Jack and make him cheat on me, right? That's just not right!" Elsa said angrily but in a soft calming voice and her smile was not fading.

"You know.. if you lay a hand on him, I'll know instantly since even when I'm gone, I'm still keeping an eye on him! Sure, Jack loves me but that doesn't mean he can't be forced, right? He is a gentleman and won't hurt girls. That's what I love about him!" Elsa said.

"And wherever you go, I'll follow you til' the ends of the earth and make sure you won't come back again and ruin us. Especially our wedding. The best day of our lives! Remember, if you touch my finace and make him cheat on me, I won't hesitate to end you. Do you understand,


She added in a creepy kind of way. She then smiled more. Toothiana nodded and she was surprised of how Elsa knows her name. So he really is keeping an eye on him. "Now, can you lead me to where the bathroom is?" She asked politely.

"Jack!" Elsa cheered and tackled him into a hug. "I'm sorry it took so long. I just got lost in the way and luckily, Toothiana showed me the way!" She said as if nothing happened.

"No problem, Els." Jack said and pecked her lips. "I told you to take your time, didn't I?" He said and Elsa nodded.

Once Jack and Elsa left, Toothiana stood there, feeling threatened by what Elsa said.

If you touch my fiance and make him cheat on me, I won't hesitate to end you.

Toothiana teared up not knowing what to do. She just sat at the corner and started crying about how she wished she was Elsa.

How she wished she were his heather.

"Hey.. you alright, mate?" A guy asked Toothiana and tapped her shoulder. Toothiana looked up, seeing a handsome guy with gray hair and brown eyes. He gave her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Name's Aster. And you?" Aster said. (It's Bunnymund btw AAA-) Toothiana smiled at him. "Toothiana. My name's Toothiana."


Two ships sailing alright-

[Edit: This is an apology for making ya'll cry]

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