When he saves you: Michaelangelo

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Mikey was SUPER worried. You'd been gone for hours. Mikey was already paranoid to begin with, and this was just making it worse! On top of that, you weren't answering his calls or text messages! He knew he should have been watching you! He scarfed down two whole boxes of pizza, trying to calm his nerves. Finally, he just decided to go look for you. He couldn't take another minute of this awful worrying! He followed the same path you took to get to your show, then the way back. Nothing. Not a sign of you or where you were. Mikey started to cry as he slumped down the wall of a building and buried his face in his knees. "(Y/n) please," he mumbled, hoping you could somehow hear him. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He happily looked at it, but his smiled faded when he saw the message.

I have your girl, Michaelangelo. If you want her, come and get her.


Mikey gasped and grasped his nunchucks tightly, then rushed to the Foot HQ. When he arrived, he couldn't see a thing. The room was dark and not a sound could be heard. "Hello Michaelangelo," came a deep voice from the darkness. Mikey jumped a little, then narrowed his eyes. He saw Shredder though the darkness as his eyes adjusted. "Give me back my lady," he said, rage in his voice. Suddenly, a light clicked on and Mikey looked up. His eyes widened as he saw you unconscious and hanging from a chain attached to the ceiling. "(Y/n)!," he yelled to you. Shredder laughed. "Oh she won't be waking up....not for a while anyway," he sneered. Mikey gasped, then swung his chain at Shredder, hitting him in the eye. "Gah!," Shredder yelped as he stumbled backwards. Mikey leaped up to the ceiling and cut the chain holding you up. You fell, but just before you could hit the ground Mikey caught you. He held you tightly as he rushed out of the Foot HQ, leaving Shredder wounded and shocked. He made it into the sewers and sat you on the ground. He started shaking you vigorously as he cried and yelled your name. "Dudette! Dudette! Angel cakes! Please! Please! Don't go! Don't leave me!," he yelled. His brothers heard him and came in running. The stopped in their tracks when they saw you. Tears flowed down Mikey's face. "I-I know! True loves kiss! That will work!," he said hopefully, remembering a Disney movie he'd watched with you. He touched his lips to yours and closed his eyes. He pulled away, and you were still unconscious. "Oh (Y/n)!," he yelped, squeezing you into a hug, "Please come back!" Leo put a hand on his shoulder. Mikey looked up at him. "Let's bring her to the lab," Leo whispered. Mikey squeezed once more, then handed you to Donnie.

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