Chapter 98

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For the Show – Navet (Must listen to this! It's perfect!)

Only Girl (In the World) – Rihanna

Stay the Night (Caked Up) – Zedd

Crazy Girl – Eli Young Band


Sarah wakes up early the next morning, ecstatic about the night about to ensue. I feel my stomach twist with the mix of emotions from the thought of what might happen tonight.

I rub my hand over my face, washing it quickly before coming out to the kitchen. Sarah is baking muffin with a smile on her face. I can hardly concentrate on the ideas she has for her and Niall tonight.

"I think Niall wants to go to his place tonight – I don't know. Depends on the night. I heard this club has great alcohol and a great DJ. I really hope they take requests from the guests."

Letting out a deep breath I try my best to listen as I take a muffin from her. Picking at the treat I begin to eat it. Sarah continues to gush about what dress she finally decided on after I went to sleep.

By the time we are done with breakfast Sarah has managed to help move most of my belongings towards the front door. I thought it would be most convenient to start moving over my stuff today – seeing as I made a deal with Zayn saying I would move in when the New Year started.

I wasn't sure how particular he was about deals but I figure might as well start now. Sarah helps me move the few boxes to my car, still talking about New Years.

By now I'm not sure what she is talking about. I think she is talking about past New Year parties and how crazy they were. Once we pack up the car she smiles at me, looking me over.

"My little Jules is growing up." She frowns, stepping towards me and wrapping her arms around me. I hug her back, smiling from the warmth of her hug.

"I'll miss you." I mumble to her with a smile. I would, I wish I could live here with Sarah but honestly with Zayn in my life it was difficult to do so.

"You better visit." She laughs, pulling away and looking me over again – as if she might never see me again.

"So you and Zayn will meet us there?" She asks, glancing at my car and back to me. I nod slowly with a smile brightening up on my lips.


"Okay, well I packed a dress in there for tonight. You don't have to wear it, but if you did let me just say..." She smiles and fans herself with a wink. "You'll be smoking." She pats my arm with a sincere smile.

"Alright, well I should take this to Zayn's. I'll see you tonight." I give Sarah another hug before climbing into my car.

~ ~ ~

Zayn helps me with the majority of the boxes which are clothes – placing them in his vast bedroom. I look towards the drawing room, the door tightly shut. Making my way back out to the living room I take a seat on the couch, waiting for Zayn to appear from his bedroom.

When he does I'm relaxing on the couch, leaning back on it. He smiles at me, walking towards me and sitting down next to me. He wraps his fingers around my arm and pulls me onto his lap.

"Ah, right where you belong." He mumbles, his lips softly touching my jaw. I turn my face and catch his lips, letting our lips mold together for a moment.

Within seconds I am under him, his fingers tracing along my hip, sending heat and chills through my body. His fingers slide up under my shirt to my waist, gripping tightly as he crushes our bodies together.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now