Chapter 84

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(A/N: This is Chapter 83 but in Zayn's point of view, FYI! I decided to do this because there are some important things that could only happen in his POV!)

When I Look At You – Miley Cyrus

Crazy Girl – Eli Young Band

Through the Dark – One Direction

Strong – One Direction

Truly Madly Deeply – One Direction


Zayn POV

Moving the cursor down I click on the purchase button, letting the site run through the information before the screen changes to a page telling me my purchase was successful. I print out the information and put the papers next to my suitcase that was empty.

This is going to be a good Christmas break – things are going to be okay, they have to be. There isn't a possibility that Juliet would run into them, I won't let it happen.

I walk into the kitchen letting myself think through everything. I would be cautious about what I would do with Juliet in Bradford. I wouldn't take her to anywhere they would possibly go.

"Did you buy them?" I turn to Eleanor who walks into my apartment with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah." I reply flatly. I should have never given her a key – now she just comes over whenever the hell she wants.

"Great." She smiles, sitting down at the counter. I walk to the cabinet and begin making coffee.

"Are you excited for Dean to meet Louis?" I ask, starting the coffee and resting against the counter. Eleanor runs a hand through her long locks and shrugs.

"I guess. I know Dean likes him already." She laughs to herself. "Did you know it's supposed to snow tomorrow?" Eleanor's eyes light up.

Eleanor loved the snow – even when it turned to that shitty slush after the first day. Fantastic, waking up at seven in the morning to get to that fucking Psychology with that dick of a teacher.

I never in the history of being at college scheduled a class earlier than 10 AM, adding this class to my schedule was a pain in the ass – but it was worth it in the end.

I don't approve of the teacher though. What kind of teacher automatically assumes that a couple in his class is in an abusive relationship? I glance at my phone and walk to it, glancing at the message.

Thankfully Juliet had stopped her snooping so she would run into any of these messages.

"It's a new month, where's my money." I glance up at Eleanor who is minding her own business. I glance down at the text and reply quickly.

"You'll get it today." Fucking annoying as hell, but a deal that I don't regret making – a deal to keep Derek out of town. Money was not a steep price when it came to making Juliet feel and be safe.

I grab my wallet, shoving it into my pocket. I ran into Derek a few weeks ago. After one of the huge fights Juliet and I had – the fight where Erica was in my apartment half naked.

Running a hand over my face I groan. Fuck, I wish Juliet would just agree to not talk to Harry anymore. Erica was hardly in the picture anymore might as well cut her out with Harry as well.

When I ran into Derek and noticed his beaten face I just had to ask where the bruises came from this time before I gave him another. He openly admitted that Charles gave it to him when he ran into him and Juliet.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now