Chapter 92

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Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club

Love Runs Out - OneRepublic


The next day is spent entirely on getting ready for our housewarming. Sarah helps prepare the snacks and drinks while I work on cleaning the place up and organizing a few things.

"Niall said Harry is coming... is that okay?" Sarah's light voice filters through the apartment to the living room.

I don't stop adjusting things around the living room when I hear her words. Zayn and I haven't talked much about our deal that we haven't quite made yet. I want Erica out of our relationship but in order for that to happen I wouldn't be able to see or talk to Harry anymore.

He was always kind to me and I find no reason to just shut him out. I have given it some thought but haven't come up with an answer for Zayn.

"Yeah, of course." I reply nonchalantly. Sarah doesn't say anything else as I finish arranging the living room to give us more space.

Lindsay and Charles are the first to arrive. Lindsay's light brown hair is curled and pinned up into a mid-ponytail. She wears a simple outfit, sweater and jeans.

"Lindsay." I greet with a smile, pulling her in for a hug. "You're here with Charles?" I glance back at Charles who nods at me from the kitchen where he is talking with Sarah.

"Not really together, just came here together." She shrugs. "We're friends, he's been helping me figure out Harry." She admits with her cheeks flushing with blood.

"Oh right." I nod slowly. "Was Christmas good?" I shift the subject with ease.

"Yeah it was great! Joshua couldn't make it out but he made sure to give me a call." Her smile falls slightly but it regains the brightness after she clears her throat. "How were things for you? You went to Bradford right?"

"Yeah it was great." I nod. "It was nice to meet his family and all."

Short version and easiest. There was no need to inform everyone about the struggle I had with his family at the beginning. After a moment several people begin arriving.

I make sure to greet all of them; Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Danielle. I glance at the door wondering where Zayn could be – I imagine he is running late with Niall.

"You're back." I smile at Louis who hugs me tightly. "How was the flight?"

"Long." Louis laughs, rubbing his neck as if it were extremely sore. "Glad we made it back in time for this though." He nods, examining the apartment.

"Me too." I smile. "Hi Eleanor." I greet her with a quick hug and she smiles back at me.

"My dad told me how you stopped by the house with Zayn." Eleanor wraps an arm around Louis, her smile widening.

Eleanor's brown hair is pulled back into a messy bun. Her light eyes are emphasized by the mascara darkening her eyelashes.

"Oh?" Is my only response to her statement.

"It means a lot Jules... He's never been good with goodbyes." Eleanor says with sadness heavy in her voice.

I could have gathered that he wasn't good with goodbyes. The way he was acting and the strange way he was afterwards. I just never realized it affected him this much.

"Well... I'm glad I could help." I manage a smile to lighten her mood, which seems to work.

"Love the apartment." She walks past me with Louis into the living room. Liam and Danielle are smiling at each other in the kitchen, examining the food. Making my way over to them I can't help but smile at their laughter and teasing.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now