Chapter 42

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Zayn POV

I hate nothing more than to go to class and not be able to talk to her. She always makes me so damn infuriated that we end up fighting to the point that I can't find a way to approach her.

Going to class Wednesday was hard enough to deal with. After our fight I figured it would be easiest just to ignore her and push her out - the easiest way to deal with things but after seeing her walk into class I couldn't.

Especially after Mr. Collins gave her that fucking charming creep of a smile. I had to keep looking at her, she looked perfect as usual. She looked unaffected by our fight - unaffected by my indiscretion of Erica.

She didn't need to know about Erica. It wasn't something that she needed to know, especially if she was interested in Harry... Why did it seem Harry was my friend but at the same fucking time he was chasing after Juliet. Harry - fucking Harry was getting into this. More clean cut than me - more Juliet's type than me.

I was fucking stupid to invite Erica to the party though. I had invited her after I heard Juliet was going back home. I had a picture in my head that Juliet would arrive at the party with her picture perfect childhood lover. How she would see how wrong I was for her, how different we were. I didn't want that, I wasn't going to be alone at the party, so I called up Erica.

It was a thought that bombarded my dreams - her and Matt - until she called me and I sang to her. When we talked until she fell asleep. When everything settled into my mind and I knew it wasn't going to happen.

The week drags on, I am able to push Juliet away more and more though I know I don't want to... She doesn't seem to mind though, her eyes are always glued to Mr. Collins - intrigued by every fucking word that comes from his pathetic mouth.

When Saturday finally comes, I'm not sure what to do with myself. I don't want to go near a party, if I get drunk and hurt Juliet again I'm not sure I can get her to forgive me again, I don't want to be around Erica right now either - I don't even know what to tell her about Juliet.

Erica knew me well enough - nowhere as close as Juliet but she knew I needed sex without feelings. It was mutual, Erica was a good friend but we knew we'd never be anything more.

I'm not sure what to do with Juliet, I know she's on my mind constantly but I shouldn't have this. I shouldn't have to think about someone as much as I do about her. I was ignoring her the best I could - it feels like years since I last talked to her, held her, kissed her... but I didn't want to deal with the confusion right now.

"Later guys." I turn my attention away from the cereal I eat at the counter on the kitchen to Louis and Harry. Charles turns from the stove and gives a confused smile,

"What are you two doing?" He laughs slightly when speaking.

"We're headed out..." Louis glances at me and to Charles. I stare at the three of the guys - not sure what was going on but I knew there was something they weren't telling me. They had a look on their face that showed they were avoiding details.

"Right. Well later." Charles waves at them as Louis gives me a worried look and leaves with Harry behind him.

"What the fuck was that about?" I ask when I hear the front door shut and echo through the house.

"What do you mean?" Charles ask nonchalantly as he stirs his food on the stove. He doesn't look at me - focusing on his cooking. I don't respond to his question, I know there's something going on. Louis and Harry don't just hang out together, especially without inviting Charles or I.

I quickly dispose of my food and dish in the sink, leaving it for Charles to clean. He shoots me an irked look as I leave the kitchen but I ignore it. He hits on Juliet, he can clean a few damn dishes. I rush to my room, quickly change into some clothes and head out of the house.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now