Chapter 95

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Sirens - Angels & Airwaves


When the sunlight begins to shine into my bedroom window I know that it wasn't a dream. I hardly got any sleep last night. After the fight the house went quiet, Zayn and I stayed at the house - in hopes not to make my mom any angrier.

She was gone the rest of the night though. Retreated into her bedroom and she stayed there the rest of the night. Zayn became very quiet after everything happened - slightly distant.

The only idea I could sum up was that it was hard for him to see adults fighting like that - memories turning up from his past. I did my best to stay by his side but give him space as well.

I roll over in my bed and stare at Zayn who is asleep. He didn't make any sexual or snarky comments about being in my room last night - that worried me seeing as last time he was here he wanted to see my room.

I understand why though... all the memories that must be churning in his mind. I reach out and lightly trail my fingers along his clothed chest. This is one of the first times he hasn't taken his shirt off when going to bed.

I assume it's out of respect for my parents. If they were to walk in and see Zayn shirtless they would flip out. I'm an adult, yes, but they will always see me as their baby girl and want to keep me sheltered and protected.

I slowly sit up in bed, glancing at the clock that reads 7:49. The house is quiet except for the heater vibrating through the house. Usually around this time my mom would be up making breakfast for Jeremy's birthday but instead the house is quiet.

Getting out of bed I slide on a sweatshirt and make my way out to the kitchen. I hear the quiet noises of the coffee maker and see Kate standing by it. Her eyes are focused on the coffee that drips from the machine, her body still and her face vacant.

"Kate?" I quietly call to her, entering behind her. She seems to return to her body and turns to me with wide eyes.

"Oh hey Jules." She manages a smile before pouring the coffee into a cup. She grabs another cup and pours some coffee for me.

"How are you?" Kate had stayed the night - mostly with the idea that if she left my mom wouldn't let her back into the house. That thought would most likely be correct, so she stayed the night.

"Good." She nods handing me the cup of coffee. She rubs her neck and stares at the ground.

"I'm really glad you came to Jer's birthday." I smile at her, leaning against the counter like she is.

"Me too. I mean it's been a long time since I've the family and... it's nice to be back for a while." The way she says for a while reminds me of the fact that I will not see her for a long time.

Even if my mom liked Kate - she would hardly come around. Kate was always travelling, always disappearing, never staying in one place too long.

"Well I was hoping your mom would be up and making breakfast but... Guess we'll have to fend for ourselves." Kate jokes walking towards the refrigerator. "Damn, do you have any breakfast food that's already made? What about frozen waffles?" She asks, digging through the freezer now.

I glance towards the counter where a message pops up. I smile down at the name and look up to Kate who turns around, finding the frozen waffles. My mom never ate them - but they were helpful in the mornings when my dad was in a rush to work and my mom was at the hospital.

I pick up Kate's phone with a smug smile. I always have felt like Kate was my sister - that no matter how long we haven't seen each other we could get along no matter what.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now