Holiday Part 3.

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Harry POV

I woke up this morning with not only a sore head but a sore bottom as well. Niall sure can get kinky when he's drinking, I didn't know the kid had it in him. I rolled off the bed leaving Niall curled in a naked ball on the other side as I quietly stepped out the door and closed it behind me. As soon as I exited I saw Liam standing in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

"Harry you're up." he smiled

"Yeah, are there any painkillers around this place?"

My head was hurting but I've had worse hangovers then this, to be honest it was my bum that hurt the most. Niall wasn't lying when he said he'd get me back, not that I'm going to complain. It was some of the best sex of my life.

"Yeah there's some in the cupboard." Liam pointed handed me his glass of water.

I reached up with ease and pulled a box of pain killers out the cupboard popping two out the packet and placing them in my mouth, I swallowed them down with water and put the pills on the side. No doubt Niall and Zayn would need them when they get up.

I moved from the kitchen area and took a seat next to Liam on the couch handing him back his glass of water. I'm not quite sure what he is watching but already I'm bored as hell so I strike up a conversation.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask

"Was thinking once the other two get up we could go for breakfast and then swimming or something." he explained.

"Sounds good to me."

"Did someone mention food?" Niall appeared in the living room from nowhere

Trust him to just appear from nowhere as soon as the word food is mentioned. Not to mention he's wearing nothing but a pair of tight boxer shorts where we can see his entire shape, I'm not going to complain of course but I'm sure Liam doesn't want to see that.

"Ni did you want to put some clothes on babe." I told him and he looked down

"My bad, forgot." he stated and strolled back into our temporary room.

A few moments later Niall emerged again, this time wearing some sweats and a white shirt. He walked over and planted himself in my lap. It's a good job my painkillers had kicked in really because the extra weight on my lap would have really hurt my bottom. I snuggled my head into Niall's neck as he leaned against me.

"So about that food." he smirked

"I'll go get Zayn up and then we'll go out for breakfast." Liam announced getting up from the hard sofa.

Liam headed down the hall to his and Zayn's room they were sharing as Niall and I sat happily on the couch waiting for them to come back. By this point I was actually quiet hungry and I could already hear Niall's stomach rumbling. A good five, maybe ten minutes later Liam emerged with a very ruff looking Zayn by his side.

"Morning Zayn." I greeted him happily

"Meh." he grumbled in reply.

I sometimes forget how grumpy Zayn can be in the mornings, that's until I speak to him anyway. Now we were all up everyone grabbed their sunglasses and jackets before heading out the door.

"I think it's this way." Niall pointed as he walked in the direction of the bar we came from last night.

"Lead the way then boo." I smirked using a nickname.

We all walked up the pathway to the cafe, luckily Niall was right and it was right next door to the bar from last night. When we reached the cafe Niall walked in first and sat straight down at a table and picked up a menu.

"Oh I'm defiantly getting this." Niall announced showing me the menu as I sat down.

"That does sound nice; think I might get that too."

When Zayn and Liam joined us they chose what they wanted and I headed to the counter to order our meals. Niall and I ordered the full English breakfast, Zayn was having a half English and Liam a bacon and sausage baguette. We all ordered cold drinks like Coke or Pepsi to go with our meals.

I sat back down at the table and grabbed Niall's hand. Liam and Zayn seemed to be in their own little world together so I left them to it.

"Last night was amazing by the way." I whispered and gave Niall a cheeky wink.

"Sorry if I was too rough." he smirked, I know he wasn't sorry he'd told me he would get me back from the pounding I'd given him before.

"You wasn't too ruff, it felt good." I smirked back and he chuckled.

It took about 20 minutes for our food to arrive but when it did the smell alone had water droplets forming in my mouth. It smelt delicious. I picked up my knife and fork quickly digging in, Liam had already taken a bite of his baguette and Niall was somehow half way through his meal already. Zayn on the other hand was struggling to even take a bite; I think he's hanging the most out of all of us.

"You alright mate?" I asked

"Yeah just rough this morning." he answered

"You want me to take you back to the caravan?" Liam asked him

"No it's fine, you guys eat and then go swimming like you planned. Think ill head back and try sleeping this off." he explained and got up from the table.

Of course Niall grabbed his food as soon as he exited the cafe adding it to his half empty plate. Liam watched after Zayn as he walked back toward the caravan as I continued eating. Niall finished first, then me and then Liam. After we'd all finished we paid for our meals and exited the cafe. On the outside wall to the cafe was a map of the grounds.

"Here we are, it's only a short walk to the pool." Liam explained.

"Let's go swimming." Niall shouted

Once again Niall lead the way as Liam and I followed behind him, we entered through the doors that lead to the indoor pool and followed the signs to the changing rooms.

After a couple hours swimming around and frolicking in the water Liam, Niall and I headed back to the caravan; we stopped off at a little shop and grabbed some necessities as well as a film to watch tonight. There were no way we were all going out again tonight after hanging so bad today.

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