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 Zayn POV

When we got back to the house Louis was nowhere to be seen, I think he may have gone out somewhere or something. I peeped into his room to see if he was in there but he wasn't. I could see he'd managed to get all his stuff packed up though. His room was empty, it looked weird.

I entered my room and through myself down on the bed. Today had actually been really fun and I especially enjoyed hanging out with Liam. He's such a cool guy and I could tell I was developing feelings for him. I just had no idea how I was supposed to tell him. After our kiss we shared at the food shop that night we went out I can't seem to get him out of my mind.

I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed my temples. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but didn't think anything of it until my door opened. I lifted my head to see Liam standing in my door way.

"Alright Li, what's up?" I asked

"What you doing? I'm bored." he answered

"Nothing, just chilling. Come join me if you want." I smiled and lay my head back down.

He took my offer and closed my door behind him as he walked over and laid himself down next to me on my bed. I felt his arm rest on top of mine, he'd lain awfully close. I doubt he did it on purpose though. I guess this was the perfect opportunity to bring up what happened that night; I kind of wanted to find out how Liam felt about it, if he felt anything at all.

"Hey Li do you remember what happened the other night when we were drinking?" I asked

"You're talking about the kiss aren't you." he turned and looked me in the eye.

Our faces were just inches apart from each other. I could feel his hot breath on my face as in exhaled. I guess he does remember what happened.

"Yeah." I sighed letting out a breath of my own.

There was a silence between us after that but we continued to stare at each other. I looked from his eyes then to his mouth as he licked his lips. I honestly couldn't help it though. Ever since he kissed me that night it's all I could think about. I want to feel his lips on mine again, this time sober so I could find out if the sparks I felt then would still be there.

"Look I don't know how you feel about it and I know we were drunk but I erm, I. Oh fuck it."

I crashed my lips against his with no warning what-so-ever. I think it must have taken him by surprise because at first he just lay there as my lips pressed to his. But after a second or two I felt his plump lips push back. He was kissing me back.

My lifted my hand up and placed it behind his neck bringing him in closer to me. I opened my mouth kissing him passionately but didn't insert my tongue. I didn't want to freak him out and move to fast although he is probably going to freak out after this. For all he knew I was straight, just as the thought crossed my mind Liam pulled back.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"You kissed me! I didn't think you were into guys." he said confused.

"Yeah neither did I. But then I was sort of seeing Josh for a while until he blew me out. And I don't know, I guess I started crushing on you." I blushed feeling embarrassed that I just told him I fancied him.

His face softened in my hand as I still hand it wrapped around the back of his neck. His beautiful brown eyes creased at the edges as he smiled widely.

"You have a crush on me." he asked

"Yeah, kind of." I smiled shyly

As Liam looked at me I stared back. He is gorgeous and I never thought I'd be here laying in bed this close to him staring into those beautiful brown eyes.

"Ok well I erm, I kind of like you too." he smirked.

What the? Did he really just say he liked me to? I was not expecting that at all. I gave him a warm smile in return as he leant forward and kissed me again. This time it was more lust filled and heated. He leant over the top of me and placed a hand next to my head as my own hand stayed around the back of his neck bringing him closer to me.

I felt him slip his tongue into my mouth and start exploring everything he could. I brought my own tongue into action by massaging his. We stayed like this for a while just kissing and slightly groping each other, but it was nothing to heavy. I felt his body pressed into mine as he continued to deepen the kiss when the door flew open.

"Hey Zayn I. Oh sorry."

Liam flew off the top of me and sat straight up right. I leant up on my elbows and wiped my mouth to see Harry standing in the doorway. He looked shocked and a little sad at the same time.

"What is it Haz?" I asked trying to take his mind off what he'd just seen.

"Oh nothing don't worry." he replied and shut the door behind him.

I looked back to Liam who now had a sad expression on his face. I'm not sure why we looked so sad so I decided to ask him.

"What's the matter Li?"

"It's nothing." he snapped back

"You sure?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine. I should go. Maybe we can watch a film later or something." he offered

"Yeah I'd like that." I replied with a smile

"It's a date."   

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