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IrishBlond has signed on

IrishBlond- Anyone online yet?

BradfordBadBoi- I'm here, vas happenin man?

IrishBlond- Well I've just been through all the paper work to the house and everything's in order. Liam came by and saw it today and he's convinced everyone is going to love it. So all that's left to do is arrange a meet with everyone before we move in. Just to make sure everyone gets along.

BradfordBadBoi- Yeah that's cool with me man. Just let me know when and where

Carrots <3 has signed on

Carrots<3- Sup losers!

IrishBlond- That's no way to greet your soon to be flatmates

Carrots<3- Sorry hello my lovely new friends. How are you all today?

BradfordBadBoi- That's better and I'm good cheers. Niall how are you?

IrishBlond- Yeah I'm good cheers. Lou I was just telling Zayn that we need to arrange a meet up so we can all get to know each other better.

Carrots<3- Yeah I'm up for that, when?

GymLiam has signed in

GymLiam- How about drinks at the weekend?

Carrots<3- Yeah drinks!

IrishBlond- Cool with me, I'm dying for a pint

BradfordBadBoi- Yeah I'm up for that

Carrots<3- Where's curly?

GymLiam- He's probably just embarrassed after I caught him dancing at work today. He'll be on soon

BradfordBadBoi- Dancing?

IrishBlond- Yeah earlier today Liam walked in on Harry dancing when he was at work, it was a little awkward.

GymLiam- It wasn't awkward, just funny.

Carrots<3- Ahh no fair I missed it!

BakeryCurls has signed on

BakeryCurls- Stop making fun of me :(

GymLiam- But it was funny mate

BakeryCurls- Was not!

IrishBlond- Was to hehe

Carrots<3- Awe does Hazza need a hug

BakeryCurls- yes please :(

BradfordBadBoi- Ok enough with the teasing and flirting LOUIS and HARRY. What day do you guys want to meet for drinks?

BakeryCurls- I have this Saturday off

Carrots<3- Saturdays good with me

IrishBlond- And me

GymLiam- Well its sorted then, we'll meet at that bar on Cloak Street say 7pm on Saturday

BradfordBadBoi- Sorted!

IrishBlond- Sorry to cut this short guys but I have to go, things to do people to see. See you Saturday. Bye.

IrishBlond has signed off

BradfordBadBoi- I'm off to guys papers to grade. Laters

BradfordBadBoi has signed off

GymLiam- And then there were three!

Carrots<3- So harry dancing aye ;)

BakeryCurls- Shhh it's not funny :(

GymLiam- It really was mate, you got some skills there. I look forward to seeing you dance some more ;)

Carrots<3- Me too

BakeryCurls- Trust me when were living together I'm sure you'll see a lot of it. I tend to live in my own little bubble sometimes lol

Carrots<3- That sounds interesting. So Haz what else do you do in that bubble of yours?

GymLiam- Yeah got any bad or interesting habits we need to know about ?

BakeryCurls- Why am I getting all the questions?

Carrots<3- Cause we asked first hehe. Ok how about we all answer that question. I'll start. I can be very hyper active. And I don't mean sometimes I mean like all the time. Next?

GymLiam- People tend to tell me I'm too serious at times, like the daddy of the social group, but I'm getting better. Letting loose a bit. Harry?

BakeryCurls- Oh ok. Yours are nothing compared to mine :(  I erm have a habit of being naked. Like I strip off at the most random of times and then just wonder around nude!

Carrots<3- This I've got to see!

BakeryCurls- It doesn't bother you?

GymLiam- Why would it bother us? Were all guys, we all have the same bits

BakeryCurls- I suppose :/

Carrots<3- awe Hazza's getting all embarrassed.

BakeryCurls- Am not :(

Carrots<3- That hugs still available ?

GymLiam- And that's my cue to leave

GymLiam has signed off

BakeryCurls- Lou why do you flirt with me when you don't even know me?

Carrots<3- Coz you're a cutie

BakeryCurls- How'd you know?

Carrots<3- I just do !

Carrots<3- Anyway I got to go. See you Saturday

Carrots<3 has signed off

BakeryCurls- Bye cutie x

BakeryCurls has signed off 

I Want. You To Rock Me ! [BoyxBoy One Direction] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now