dragging han shuangshuang into the water

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Even the girl who was always by su mi’s side trying to please her had made an excuse to run away.

Su mi sat there, feeling as if everyone passing by was looking at her with ridicule. Suddenly, she saw a familiar person not far away.

su mi’s eyes brightened, but she saw the other party turn around and walk away decisively after giving her a glance.

at that moment, su mi’s eyes were first filled with shock, which then turned into hatred.

“Shuangshuang, what were you looking at just now?” the girl asked han shuangshuang who was beside her.

“i didn’t see anything. didn’t you say you wanted to eat? Let’s go.”

“Isn’t it closer to eat here?”

“let’s not go to the first canteen today, let’s go to the third canteen.”

the person who had turned and left upon seeing su mi was none other than su mi’s good sister, han shuangshuang.

when han shuangshuang arrived, she only saw su mi, who was sitting there in a daze, and shi yan, who had walked away.

Naturally, she had also seen su mu beside Shi Yan. However, she had only seen su MU’s back and not his face, so she had not recognized him.

He thought that he was another suitor of Shi Yan.

She had wanted to take that path to the canteen, but when she saw su mi sitting on the ground in embarrassment, she guessed that su mi must have suffered again when she went to look for Shi Yan.

At a time like this, she would not go over and embarrass herself with su mi.

su mi, that idiot, had never accomplished anything!

As for su mi, her hatred and panic had probably masked her embarrassment. She suddenly did not care as much about the scornful and mocking gazes of the passersby.

He stood up and took out his phone to call han shuangshuang.

The call went through quickly.

“mier, are you calling me at this time because the military training is over?”

Su mi clenched her phone, her face dark and scary.”yes, i just finished.”

“Sister shuangshuang, where are you? Do you want to eat together?”

“I’m at the library. I just ate and came over. I won’t be eating with you today. You can go ahead and eat. You must be hungry after training for so long.” Her voice was very gentle.

“i’m preparing to go.”

“sister shuangshuang, i just ran into some trouble,” she said.

“what kind of trouble?”

” i might have offended someone i shouldn’t have, and it might have affected my family. sister shuangshuang, can you help me? ”

“offended someone? who did he offend? how did he offend her? How did he get his family involved? Don’t be in a hurry, speak slowly.” she was very gentle, like a caring elder sister.

su mi’s gaze darkened.

“Yingluo, Shi Yan. I’ve offended Shi Yan.”

“Shi Yan?”

“yes, it was shi yan!”

“sister shuangshuang, you know that shi yan has jiang rui behind her, and jiang rui has the jiang family behind her. the jiang family has said that they will stand up for shi yan and will go directly to my dad. sister shuangshuang, i don’t know what to do. your han family and the jiang family have a good relationship, can you help me?”

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