Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Three: Tension with Hondo.../New Partners?

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 Ezra and his fellow Ghost Crew Members were meeting aboard with Hondo on the Ghost as Eldra walked ahead... While Eldra tells them to keep an open mind about this, Kaitis still thinks that trusting the Pirate is a bad idea as his sister asked him when has she ever asked him and the others to trust her and it hasn't worked out before!

Eldra: Now, everybody, just try to keep an open mind about this, okay?

Kaitis: Is there something you're not telling us about this job with Hondo?

Eldra: Come on. When have I asked you to trust me and it hasn't worked out?

Both Sabine and Ezra rolled their eyes while smiling at each other, half the time!

Both: Like half the time!

Just then, the door opens as Hondo greets his old friends, telling them that their visit warms his old heart!

Hondo: My friends, my friends! It is I, Hondo! I can't tell you how much your welcome warms this old pirate's heart...

As Hondo takes his hat off and shows his graying hair, Hera, Kaitis, and Ezra all agree that they are not friends!

Hondo: You are too gracious....

Hera: Spare us the pleasantries, Hondo...

Kaitis: You, my Adoptive Brother and his Crew have never been friends with you, so let's not start pretending that we are!

Ezra: I agree...

Zeb agrees, as he angrily reminds Hondo that the last time they saw each other, he abandoned them all on a doomed Imperial station where Ezra nearly went down with!

Zeb: Especially since the last time we saw you, you abandoned us on that doomed Imperial station!

Eldra rolled her eyes, countering that it all worked out the last time!

Eldra: But it all worked out in the end, right?

Ezra: Yeah, with no help from you!

Getting to the point, Hondo says that he always delivers, mentioning he and his new partner have something new cooked up for them all, which Hera does not like at all any more than Kaitis does!

Hondo: Of course it did because Hondo always delivers! Just wait until you see what my new partner and I have cooked up...

Hera: Wait! What new partner?

Kaitis: Oh, this uncomfortable mission with someone who can't be trusted any more than the Empire can be is going to be even tougher than I originally thought!

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