Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Six: Backup's here!/A explosive problem?!

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Back at Mykapo, a despondent Mart waited, believing that the others weren't coming back for him! But just then, the Ghost exits hyperspace, as Sabine tells Mart that they are back. much to Mart's surprise and shock!

Sabine: Look alive, Mart... We're back!

Mart: I don't believe it...

As the Ghost flies towards Sato's Hammer and Konstantine's cruiser, the Imperial officer reports the Ghost's presence, to the Admiral! Wanting to destroy both Ships, Konstantine tells his subordinate not to trigger the mine until he gives the order!

Imperial Officer: The rebel ship known as the Ghost has reentered the system...

Admiral Konstantine: I want to destroy both ships at once... Do not trigger the mine until I order it!

While the light cruiser dispatches TIES, Hera tells Kanan to man the guns while Gooti prepares the hoist!

Hera: Kanan, keep those TIES off us! Gooti, you ready on that hoist?

Gooti: Yes, ma'am!

But as she was doing so, Mart tells Gooti that the Empires have attached something under his ship!

Hera: Mart, we're coming in!

Mart: Gooti, the Empire attached something onto my ship!

Sabine frowned, thinking that it was magno-mine and a remote detonator!

Sabine: Probably a magno-mine... Remote detonated!

Hera sighed, that certainly changes things... She turns to Jonner, telling him to get both Chopper and R3 to the cargo hold so that they can get outside!

Hera: (Sighs) That changes things... You, big guy, get the droids ready to go outside!

Jonner nods, telling both Chopper and R3 to move it, now!

Jonner: Yes, ma'am! Come on, droids! Move it!

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