Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine: Life or Death.../Different Advice!

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On the way there, Ezra shows up, and apologizes for being lat againe, knowing that went just as planned, more or less!

Ezra: Well, that went just as planned, more or less... (Grunts) Sorry that I'm late again!

Kaitis: How nice of you to join us!

But when Ezra jokes about being a good soldier, Rex chides Ezra for his tardiness and doesn't listen to him about Chopper and the Shuttle that the Droid had found earlier!

Ezra: I make a pretty good soldier, huh?

Captain Rex: No... A good soldier follows orders! That plan was based on timing and execution... And you took too long!

Ezra: But Chopper wanted to show me...

Captain Rex: This is not a game! This is life and death! Every move you make affects the rest of us... If we're gonna survive this, we're gonna do it with strategy and discipline!

Ezra hung his head as Rex walked away, and Omege and Hunter both followed, their disappointment was only at Rex and not Ezra right now...

Ahsoka: What... Is your... Problem?!

Rex explained that he only stated the truth while Hunter explained to both Ahsoka and Rex that's why he was the voice of reason right now and wants to finish the Clone War the right way instead of the Empire's way!

Captain Rex: I merely stated the truth...

Hunter: He already knows the truth... That's why he's upset about all this stress right now!

Omega frowned, wondering why Rex didn't get it like he does!

Omega: Then why doesn't Rex get it like you do?

Rex frowned as he saw Kanan placing a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that it wasn't his Student that was the problem right now...

Kanan: It's not you... He needs to finish this battle his way...

Ezra nodded, just like that Super tactical Droid!

Ezra: Just like that droid...

Omega explained that she had to respect Ezra's decision to end the Clone War, along with Ahsoka, Kaitis, and Eldra all agreeing that it's what his Family, Adoptive or not would have wanted!

Omega: (Sighs) Ezra chose a different path as a Jedi, as did Vos... I have to respect their decision... Even though it can be difficult to understand, we must carry on! Ezra may process moments and thoughts differently, but it does not mean that I feel any less about the War than you!

Ahsoka: Look... He's clearly having a hard time because the kid wants to end the Clone War the way that his Parents wanted to before the seeds of darkness were implanted within his Father's mind!

Eldra: He couldn't save Anakin when he was only just a baby at the time... But he can end the Clone War for him and Padme!

Kaitis: It's the honourable thing for him to do, it's what both his real and Adoptive parents as well as his Twin Siblings would have wanted...

Rex frowned, thinking Hunter and the other's advice over as they contuined toward the Command Center!

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