Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Four: Into the Hanger.../Different Programming?

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After advancing into the hangar, Ezra saw that the coast was clear and suggested going inside, but Rex cautioned against that idea, something didn't seem right...

Ezra: The hangar looks clear... Let's go!

Captain Rex: No, no! Wait! That's not how it normally goes...

Omega frowned, both she and Ezra were confused by what Rex meant!

Omega: Not how it normally goes?

Ezra: What are you talking about? I-I don't understand!

Both Rex and Hunter explained how Droid waves go, seeing that the tactical droid's programming means a lot to him as their programming meant to Rex and the Clones as well!

Captain Rex: The droids usually keep coming, wave after wave...

Hunter: Rex has a point, that tactical droid has had a long time to think about this... And remember, he wants to win! I'm surprised it means so much to him...

Omega: Yeah, it means a lot to his programming...

Captain Rex: It means a lot to mine as well...

Ezra: Your programing?

Captain Rex: We clones were bred for combat! With few exceptions, there was no other way of life for us...

Ezra and Omega both nodded at them, understanding what they meant by that, Kanan and Ahsoka both told them that they get moving!

Omega: Oh... 

Ezra: Right, got it!

Ahsoka: Ahem... Excuse me, I hate to interrupt this lovely Clone Wars and Battle Droid history lesson here, but...

Kanan: We should move!

Rex nods before he tries to keep his head in the present, instead of in the past!

Captain Rex: Right, Commander... Kanan...

Omega frowned as they moved, hoping that Ezra did have a way of doing this his mother's way in case his father's way didn't work out!

Omega: Hopefully, you do have a way of doing things your mother's way of getting us out of this mess in case your father's way doesn't help us, kid!

Hunter frowned, knowing that Ezra could handle this!

Hunter: Don't worry, Ezra can handle this one, Omega!

Omega: Well, when this doesn't go as planned which it won't, I'll be ready...

Ezra rolled his eyes, pretending to believe that was reassuring!

Ezra: That is so reassuring!

Kaitis frowned at Eldra, warning his Sister to keep Rex calm if he didn't listen to Ezra!

Kaitis: Keep him calm if Rex doesn't listen to our little Adoptive Brother...

Eldra rolled his eyes, ya think?!

Eldra: Ya think?!

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