Chapter Three Hundred and Ten: Rau's bargaining chip.../Imperial Mandalorians!

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Ezra saw that it was another one of the Empire's Imperial Probe Droids, and tried to hold it with the Force while Sabine shot it with her Blasters!

Kanan: It's Imperial... It's trying to transmit!

Ezra: (Grunts) I can't hold it!

Sabine: (Grunts) Got it... I got it!

Kanan frowned at the destroyed Probe Droid, before asking Sabine if she thought that it got a signal out!

Kanan: Think it got a signal out?

Sabine frowned; either they were fine, or there were going to be a few Star Destroyers on their way here!

Sabine: Well, we're either fine, or a few Star Destroyers are on their way!

Kanan shrugged along with Ezra, knowing that was their cue to leave!

Ezra: You wanna wait and see?

Kanan: Good point... We're leaving!

Sabine tries to tell Rau that they have to leave before Reinforcements arrive, but he refuses, willing to use Sabine's Rebel Base as a Bargaining Chip to survive!

Sabine: We have to go!

Fenn Rau: I have no intention of leaving, and certainly not with you!

Sabine: The Empire could be on their way right now!

Fenn Rau: I've dealt with them before, and I'll deal with them again... But now, of course, I have the location of your rebel base as a bargaining chip! It's no less than you deserve after causing all this!

Sabine, however, refused to let Rau do that, as Kanan told Rau that this was his last chance to not do something that he'd regret later on!

Sabine: I can't let you do that!

Kanan: Sabine, wait! Last chance, Rau...

But before the conversation could continue, both Ezra and Chopper saw that they all had much bigger problems to worry about right now!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried!)

Ezra: Uh, guys? You all have got much bigger problems... TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW!

Chopper: Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: The Empire? 

Kanan: Already?

When they got a closer look at what the problem was; Ezra thought that they were flying Storm Troopers. but Rau knew that it was much worse than that!

Ezra: What are those, flying stormtroopers?

Fenn Rau: Worse... They're traitors... Mandalorians who serve the Empire!

Sabine quickly told her friends to run, not noticing that Rau had taken Ezra's Twin Lightsabers away from him!

Sabine: Ezra, run!

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