Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-Six: A Direct Approach!/No turning back now...

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Meanwhile, Back at the Academy, Kallus reports to both Governor Pryce and Instructor Goran that his investigation has found nothing on the "rebellious" cadets as yet!

Agent Kallus: My investigation is nearly complete, Governor... I have found nothing as of yet!

While Governor Pryce replies that perhaps it is time for her to take a more direct approach, Instructor Goran complains that the investigation is interfering with his Academy's operations!

Governor Pryce: Then perhaps it's time for me to take a more direct hand in this enquiry...

Instructor Goran: With all due respect, Governor, I am trying to train pilots here... How are they to progress under these circumstances? Certainly not while they are all grounded!

Pryce agreed, maybe they can reach a mutual agreement by getting the cadets back into space! Putting their plan into action, Goran orders the cadets to depart on their TIES!

Governor Pryce: You're quite right... Perhaps getting your cadets back into space would be to our mutual advantage!

Instructor Goran:  Squadron 22, report to hangar 6!

In the corridors, Wedge introduced Sabine to his two friends, before she asked if they were all committed to doing this!

Wedge: Sabine, this is Rake and Hobbie...

Sabine: Are you sure you're all committed to this?

Rake: We've made our choice... There's no turning back now!

Wedge: Kind of surprised they're letting us go up in the middle of all this...

Sabine: Well, we have to make the most of this chance... We might not get another!

They all agreed as Sabine explained what her plan was while using their TIE Fighters to fly away from here!

Sabine: Okay, listen... There's a rebel ship nearby, waiting for my signal! Watch me... When I go, you go! But you have to trust me! Agreed?

They all nod in agreement, before quickly following Sabine's lead! As they made their way towards their TIES without being spotted, Hobbie asked if Sabine trusted these Rebels that were waiting for them!

Hobbie: These rebels you say are waiting for us... You trust them?

Sabine agreed that she did, with her life in fact!

Sabine: With my life!

Rake sighed bitterly, along with all of theirs!

Rake: Yeah, and all of ours!

As soon as she got into her TIE Fighter, Sabine quickly contacted Ezra ("Spectre Six") and told him that they were ready to escape!

Sabine: Well, here goes nothing... Spectre-6, this is Spectre-5! If you're receiving this, lock onto my signal...

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