Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Six: Ambush!/A new Friend?

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Meanwhile, in hyperspace back on the Ghost, the rest of the Rebels were heading back to the Fleet! Ezra however, that despite of his acrimonious relationship with Chopper, still urged to go back for the Droid!

Ezra: We have to go back for Chopper!

Hera however, criticized Chopper for only looking out for himself and allowing himself to get distracted by the droid's leg. She also knew that the Rebel Fleet was more important right now...

Hera: I warned him not to get distracted by that leg!

Ezra: You don't even know if that's what happened!

Hera: Oh, I know! I know that droid... He's always thinking about himself! But we have to think about the fleet first...

Ezra frowned, remembering that purpose must come before feelings even though it hurt right now!

Ezra: Right, Hera... Purpose must come before feelings...

Hera frowned, seeing Ezra was hurt by the words that he was forced to say... Kanan smiled before he placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, he's sure that Chopper was fine even though he got himself into trouble right now! Zeb however, knew that it wasn't like things could get any worse!

Kanan: I'm sure that Chopper is fine, kid!

Zeb: And it's not like things can get any worse!

Kestu rolled her eyes at Sabine over her Comlink, asking if both Chopper and Zeb are always this friendly to each other!

Kestu(Via Comlink): Sheesh, they always this way to each other, little sister?

Sabine shrugged, usually they were a lot more annoying to each other before Ezra joined them!

Sabine: No... Usually, they're a lot more annoying!

At that moment, Commander Sato's Voice came up in a transmission!

Commander Sato(Via Hologram): Phoenix Home to Ghost, come in!

Hera: We read you, Commander Sato... We're inbound with the fuel!

However, Commander Sato told them to hurry since they've got bigger problems!

Commander Sato(Via Hologram): You must hurry....We are under attack!

After exiting Hyperspace, everyone saw that the Imperial fleet attacking the rebel Fleet! Kanan and the girls all sighed while Ezra glared at Zeb, pretty sure that all of them knew by now never to say that!

All Four: OH, COME ON!!!!

Ezra: Haven't we all learned during our battle against the Empire never to say that by now?!

While they had their own problems to deal with, AP-5 had decided to lay off the arguing with Chopper, for now... Meanwhile board another Imperial warship, an Imperial Officer reported to Admiral Konstantine about the Ghost's arrival!

Imperial Officer: Sir, a rebel ship that escaped the Horizon Base has entered the system!

Konstantine smirked, knowing that they needed fuel in order to jump to light speed before he ordered their fighters to intercept so that the Ghost couldn't dock with the rest of the Fleet!

Admiral Konstantine: So that's why their fleet hasn't attempted to jump... They need fuel! Order our fighters to intercept that ship... Keep it from docking at all costs!

Meanwhile, Hera was trying to steer the Ghost to avoid all of the special attention that they were getting, which Zeb denied that he didn't know about this!

Hera: Looks like we're getting special attention!

Zeb: Well, I didn't know!

Unfortunately, one of the Fighters Blaster fire causes Sabine's guns to break and go offline, which she does not like at all!

Sabine: My guns are offline! My guns are offline!

Just then, a familiar Ship shoots the Fighter that disabled her guns, someone whom Sabine knew all too well!

Sabine: Ketsu!

Kestu: Shadowcaster to Ghost, I'm on your wing!

Sabine: Copy that, Ketsu! Thanks!

Hera smiled, even though Kestu hadn't joined the Rebellion, she was glad that she was still at least willing to help her old friend Sabine and the others out! Back on the Imperial cargo freighter, AP-5 tells Chopper to serve as the ship's helmsman, because of the Droid's help...

AP-5: All right.... Because of your help, I'll allow you to be captain...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5:I'll hold your ambulatory strut while you take the helm... Oops!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

However, Chopper changes the coordinates of where they're going, much to AP-5's concern!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5: What? You abandoned your post...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5: Why are you changing course? Where are you taking us?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

To his surprise, Chopper was taking him back to the Rebel Fleet! AP-5 was confused, unsure if Chopper's friends would treat him better than the Empire!

AP-5: The rebel fleet? Why would I go there? How do I know your rebels will treat me better than the Empire?

Chopper beeped gently, his answer surprised the former War droid more than anything...

AP-5: Because... I am your friend?

Chopper agreed softly, finally making a new friend other than Hera and the others...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5's features softened, finally having something who's fortunate enough to care most of the time!

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