Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Five: A fighting Chance.../Heading to Mykapo!

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After both Sato and Rex signed off, Jonner and Gooti approached Ezra confused as they entered the cockpit! They were all for saving Mart, but it could be a trap!

Jonner: Wait, you're really going back? I'm...

Gooti: We are all for helping Mart, but it's obviously a trap!

R3: (R3 Beeping)

Sabine rolls her eyes at Ezra, if it's a trap, it's not a very good one when it's done by the Empire!

Sabine: If it's obviously a trap, it's not a very good one...

Ezra agrees with her; while they were outnumbered in the past before, they are going back as a team which will give Mart and and everyone a fighting chance!

Ezra: We were outnumbered before, but we're going back as a team and that'll give us and Mart a fighting chance!

Gooti frowned, asking why Ezra trusted Kanan and the others so much! Ezra smiled, explaining that his Crew was like his new Family now!

Gooti: Why do you trust them so much?

Ezra: Because they're my Family!

While the three of them all seemed confused at that, Ezra nodded as he placed a comforting hand on Chopper's little orange dome head and he smiled at Sabine, knowing that they all were!

Jonner: Family?

Gooti: Wait? Them?

Ezra: Yeah... They all are!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

The cockpit door opens, revealing that Kanan and Hera both saved Gooti and Jonner a seat!

Kanan: All right if we tag along?

Hera: We saved you both a seat!

Gooti and Jonner both smiled at R3, actually glad to have the support of others for once in their lives, as the Spectres and the rest of Iron Squadron travelled on the Ghost back to Mykapo!

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