Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen: Aftermath.../Respect earned!

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As soon as the Phantom II was safely away in space above the Concord Dawn system, Kanan checked Ezra over, before asking if the kid was all right!

Kanan: You okay?

Ezra: (Groans) Yeah... I... I'll be fine! It's just a few bruises...

As Sabine smiled at the sight of Ezra okay and safe from Saxon's twisted grip, she took her helmet and approached Rau... Not that she wasn't grateful for his change of heart, but she really thought that he had left her and the others back there!

Sabine: I really thought you left us...

Rau frowned; while he did consider it, he soon realized that Sabine was willing to die for her friends even though they were not Mandalorians!

Fenn Rau: I considered it... But... Then I realized you were willing to die for your people, even though they are not Mandalorians!

Kanan and Ezra both smiled a little bit at that, as Rau said that Sabine had earned his respect after not forgetting their old ways!

Fenn Rau: You haven't forgotten our ways... That has earned my respect!

Sabine smiled, happy that Rau finally liked her! Ezra then told them both to not take this the wrong way, but Mandalorians are crazy!

Ezra: Don't take this the wrong way, you guys, but, uh... Mandalorians are crazy!

But instead of being insulted, Rau simply chuckled and said that he was crazy enough to join the Rebellion!

Fenn Rau: (Chuckles) Crazy enough to join you!

Sabine was surprised by that, as Rau asked if she would let him! Ezra smiled with his mentor, he would rather have Rau with them than against them!

Sabine: Honestly?

Fenn Rau: If you'll have me...

Ezra: I'd rather have you with us than against us...

Sabine nods in agreement, welcoming him to the "Family" as the Phantom II flies away from the Concord Dawn system!

Sabine: Welcome to the family...

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