Chapter Three Hundred and Seven: Arrival.../Stunned!

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Later in space, Sabine flew the Phantom II to the Concord Dawn System. Kanan kept an eye on Rau while he was in blinders, while Ezra walked over to the windscreen, seeing the shattered southern hemisphere of Concord Dawn!

Kanan: Yikes...

Ezra: And you always thought that my Planet looked bad!

Rau explained how things were with the Mandalorians now while Sabine knew that they would be much better allies if their people just stopped fighting one another!

Fenn Rau: The Mandalorians have endured wars since before the formation of the Republic... Just as we'll endure the Empire and your Rebellion!

Sabine: Too bad our people can't stop fighting each other!

Ezra rolled his eyes, he will never get the whole Mandalorian thing like Kanan and the others do, even after the last time that they were here!

Ezra: I don't get the whole Mandalorian thing... No offense!

Sabine: None taken!

But suddenly, Ezra sensed that Rau was about to make a move and warned Kanan about it!

Ezra: Kanan, watch him!

Kanan: What?

But Rau was already ahead of him, before knocking both of them out cold and stunning Sabine with a Blaster!

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