Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Eight: Repairs.../Some things never change!

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Later, Hera and Kanan had just finished checking out the coordinates, relieved to see that Atollon was indeed safe and free from any Imperial presence whatsoever! Kanan had to admit, Chopper really came through for them this time!

Kanan: The planet checks out... Chopper really came through this time!

Hera agreed, and Chopper's new friend did as well, before asking how AP-5 was doing!

Hera: So did his new friend... How's he doing?

Kanan stood up, deciding to go see how he was with Sabine, who was working on him in the Common Room right now!

Kanan: I'll go see... Sabine's been working on him!

In the Common room, Ezra, Zeb, and Chopper were all with Sabine when Kanan came in, just as the Mandalorian finished putting the repairs on AP-5, causing him to wake up!

AP-5: What... What happened? Where am I?

Sabine smiled, before explaining to their new friend that he was alive and well and how she repaired him!

Sabine: Don't worry! You're alive and well... I replaced your damaged thermo sensors with the ones from the leg Chopper stole!

Sabine's stern face turns to a gentle one as Chopper approaches AP-5, shocked that the little Droid sacrificed his replacement leg for him!

Sabine: Chopper?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5: You sacrificed your replacement leg for me...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

But unfortunately, the both of them soon got into another heated argument with each other!

AP-5: Well, you shouldn't have... I knew you had a malfunctioning logic circuit!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5: That sort of language confirms it... You could be disintegrated into six systems for saying such things! I might just report you myself!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

AP-5: No, don't give me that!

As the two droids depart the common room, the rest of the crew watch with bemusement... Ezra slightly shook his head, some things never change!

Ezra: Well, I guess some things never change! Well, that's one problem down!

Turning away and gripping his Family Locket, Ezra knew that now they had a base on Atollon that could keep the Fleet and the rest of his friends safe and sound, he could now worry about settling things with Vader and getting back his Adoptive Brother... Kanan smiled, before placing a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that his Master would be by his side no matter what happened on Malachor!

Ezra: Look out, Vader... Even though reaching the person who used to be my Father may be hard, I'm still coming to take back what's mine!

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