Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Five: Taken the Bait.../Sending the destroyers!

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Back on the command center, Zeb smirked at the way that his friends were doing, as he tried to talk Kalani into surrendering!

Zeb: Looks like my friends are doing pretty good... You might as well surrender now!

Kalani however, knew that he was not programmed to comprehend Zeb's humor!

Kalani: I am not programmed to comprehend your humour!

Zeb rolled his eyes, he wasn't joking!

Zeb: I'm not joking!

But Kalani knew that Zeb wasn't in any sort of position right now to make threats, before he revealed that Zeb's friends had taken his "bait" and then sent several droidekas to intercept them!

Kalani: I don't think Lasat, that you are in any sort of position to make threats! Anyway... Your Republic friends have taken the bait! Send in the destroyers...

Zeb frowned from where he was, Kalani doesn't know his friends like he does, especially Ezra!

Zeb(Thinking): You don't know my friends like I do, Droid... Especially Ezra!

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