Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Five: Always live on!/Ezra's gift...

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The Ghost soon landed on the plains of Ryloth... Hera placed her Kalikori on the table as a centrepiece before joining Kanan and Cham for some Tea! Cham smiled, while he learned a long time ago not to underestimate Hera, the Empire has not!

Cham: I have learned not to underestimate you... Fortunately, the Empire has not!

Hera rolled her eyes, not yet at least!

Hera: At least, not yet...

Kanan frowned before he apologized about Hera having to blow up her own home!

Kanan: I'm sorry about the house, Hera!

Hera smiled as she watched Zeb hug Ezra a little as Sabine and the others watched with amusement, knowing that she didn't need that mural painting to honour both her brother's and mother's memory!

Hera: I thought I needed both it and the Kalikori to keep my mother's and my brother's memories alive, but I have you, I have my father, and I'm surrounded by my family every day... As long as we hold on to that, she'll live on!

After Zeb finally let go of Ezra, the kid pulled out the holodisk from his jacket's pockets to give to Hera!

Ezra: Ow! Hey, be careful Zeb! That's my only head!

Zeb: Oh, sorry!

Omega: Well, at least after Ezra was stunned by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Blaster, his personality is still intact!

Ezra: Here, Hera... It's the holodisk that I found inside your Father's old Office when we were inside your old house!

Hera turned it on, and her eyes widened with shock as she saw that it was the same mural painting that her Brother had made as a present for her before he was killed when she was younger...

Hera: Mom? Dad...

Ezra smiled gently at Hera before she decided that food was on her tonight!

Ezra: Hmm...

Hera: Come on, boys... First round's on me!

Eldra rolled her eyes, knowing that Hera owed them way more than that for this one!

Eldra: (Scoffs) You owe us way more than that for this one Hera, but you're welcome!

Kaitis smirked with gentle fondness in his eyes at his Sister, gently warning her to not push her luck!

Kaitis: Don't push your luck!

As everyone left to get something to eat, Ezra smiled at his Secret Family Locket... While he knew that wouldn't be the last time they saw Thrawn, he knew that he would free both Lothal and Anakin from their suffering one day... Ezra also knew that whatever challenges or dangers he faced tomorrow, he knew one thing for sure... He wouldn't have to face them alone!

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