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Author's pov

'Hello?........ Yes, I am fine..........You don't have to worry..........Yes, I am very busy, so I don't think I will be able to call you often.............oh, YES? I AM COMING!.........Have you heard that? I have to go. Don't call me out of anywhere if you don't have anything good to say. I am hanging up now.'

'The way you were talking right now......I am guessing it was your parents Hyung?' Yoongi asked.


'And you don't want to talk to them...That's why you said that someone was calling you.'


'Is it because of your sister? Because they left your sister behind?'

'It.....It's not like I don't want to talk to them ever again. It's just that I am not able to forgive them. Not until I find my Y/N. I feel so horrible that I don't even have her picture! The last time I saw her was decades ago! So, I don't know her face now! I am such a horrible brother!'

'It's not like that Hyung.'

Both Jin and Yoongi flinched when they heard a third voice among them. They looked at the door only to see Taehyung coming inside with a mug full of tea since he doesn't like coffee. Taehyung sat down while they saw Jungkook and Hoseok also entering the room.

'Why are you all coming to our room?' Jin asked.

'Because we have a song to discuss about?' Hoseok laughed.

'And.....your room is the cleanest one apart from Hobi hyung but since Jimin Hyung and Namjoon hyung are using his room for a certain time, we can not sit there!' Jungkook smiled.

'Fine! But where is Namjoon?' Yoongi asked.

'I am here!'

They all looked at the leader who was carrying a whole set of musical things. Namjoon gave Yoongi his laptop and gave Jimin a mini piano before he himself sat down beside Jungkook.

'I have written down some lyrics,' Namjoon said.

'I have some music in the draft. I will play them. Choose whatever you guys want to,' Yoongi said with a poker face.

'I want Jin Hyung and Jungkook to vocal these and Hobi Hyung to make some dance if you can.'

'What about me Namjoon Hyung?' Taehyung asked.

'Well, you can play the guitar if you want.'

'Taehyung is not good at playing guitar. He can play piano though. Here you take the mini piano and let me grab the guitar,' Jimin said and handed Taehyung the mini piano before taking the guitar from Yoongi's bed.








'I think we should say La La La la La La La like this,' Yoongi suggested.

'But it seems to many la la. How about we make it 5? La La La La La?' Namjoon suggested.

'But since we are doing it then can we do a natural one?' Jimin asked.

'Hmm...How about making the first 3 la in a low pitch and the last 2 la in a high pitch? And then-'

'Our debut song has the same amount of that! How about making it 11? Like La la la la la la la la la la la?'

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