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Turn on the song! It will vibe with the concept for today!!


Both of them gasped softly as Y/N's mouth hung open because of the fall. On the other hand, Yoongi was feeling something in his heart. He gulped hardly before looking at Y/N brown eyes.

It was silence. Only the nervous breath of Y/N and reckless breath of Yoongi could be heard. Unintentionally, he dragged his right hand to her face. He slightly caressed her face and pushed the front bangs of her hair away to look into her eyes without any interruption.

Her heart was beating fast and she was frozen in her spot. As if he has spelled some casts in her and made her mind stop, heart beating faster than Usain Bolt. For a moments she forgot who she was or she could actually speak.

'Beautiful.' Yoongi whispered.


Before Y/N could complete, suddenly the door opened making both of them come out of their love maze world and look at the person who disturbed them.

'Sir-.....W-WHAT THE HELL?!'

It was Eva. She came to discuss some issues but was surprised to see Yoongi and Y/N laying like this. Y/N got scared and pushed Yoongi as he also backed out from her.

'It's nothing. Uh... We both fell down accidentally.' Yoongi said as he threw the tie away.

'What are you doing here Ms.Eva?'

'I-I came to discuss about the editing department. They found some issues and wanted me to tell you about it.'

'Well, you can come later. It is not that important.' Yoongi said.


After Eva left not before glaring at Y/N, Yoongi sat on chair and sighed. Y/N was still in the floor until she reconciled what happened for the past 7 minutes before standing up instantly.

'I will go through the files sir.' She wrote in the note pad which was in his table. She bowed and rushed outside not even looking at Yoongi once.

Yoongi was laying his head on the table. After he heard the door shut, he peeked outside. Unknowingly his lips curved into a small smile. He chuckled at how red her face was. It reminded him of Jin for a second.

He looked at the note pad and saw her messy handwriting. Usually her handwriting is very clean but today it wasn't in a good shape. The words were wrote up and down not in a perfect line.

He quickly opened his computer and turned on the CCTV camera of Y/N's room. Her saw her entering her cabin and locking the door. She quickly fanned herself as she walked towards her desk.

She sat on her desk and tied her hairs in a messy bun. She took out her personal mini fan and turned it on.

Yoongi chuckled at how cute she was looking. He put his right hand in his head for support as he continued to look at her through the screen.
Y/N sighed as she looked outside. It was dark. Too dark. Rain was pouring. It seems like it was night and someone was crying too hard while sitting in the clouds. Except! Both Yoongi and Y/N didn't felt the moment as a sad one but rather it was romantic.

'Won't it would be good if I was cuddling with my imaginary boyfriend? Wouldn't it be nice to watch the rain with some sweet kisses?' Y/N thought.

For a second she forgot about her encounter with Yoongi as she walked towards the big window. It was too dark. Only the building lights were the source to see outside world. Y/N suddenly felt so calm and relaxed. Her heart, which was beating fast has finally slowed down.

After a while, she eventually sat on her desk to do her work....
'You guys can take rest now. We can start working after 1 hour.'

Y/N heard the announcement which buzzed through her room's speaker. It was meant for everyone. She looked at the clock.

'2 o'clock....Not bad.' She thought.

She didn't had any appetite. Also since the rain only got worse, she knew she can't leave the company either. Since she had all her musical instruments and equipments with her, she walked to the door and locked it. She didn't wanted to risk enough for anyone to come inside her room while she is making music.

Her colleagues, Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu and others suddenly disappeared. She thought maybe they had appealed for holiday at the same time or something else. But she wasn't that close to them yet so she didn't thought much about them.

She walked towards her desk and took out her own laptop, notebook and pen. She was invited to do a movie-like music with SEVENTEEN. She also was thinking to email Pledis Entertainment herself and ask for a collaboration.

(For your information- The song which I provided above there, is the song Y/N will be doing with Mingyu and Wonwoo. The girl in the M/V is LeeHi. Instead of LeeHi consider the girl as Y/N)

Seventeen members, Wonwoo and Mingyu were supposed to do a duo with her. They already wrote some lyrics and has sent to her. It was a love triangle movie/song. It wasn't a movie. But the one who will be directing the M/V is a famous movie director. And the storyline will also be like a movie.

She looked at the window. She thought of some lyrics and then she wrote it down. But it wasn't that good. She sighed in frustration. Usually, whenever she goes to write some musics, different types of ideas floats through her mind. But today she couldn't think of some good lines.

'Aish!' She whispered and fake cried.

'Why can't I think?! Why I am just thinking of him?! Why My mind is going back to that moment! It was only a few minutes! Why can't I remove those memories!' She thought.

And that moment a perfect line came to her mind while thinking of Yoongi.


(source-Bittersweet by Mingyu, Wonwoo ft.LeeHi)


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