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Y/N's pov

I awkwardly stood there, scratching the back of my neck while fixing my mask from time to time since he stood so close to me.

'So, I will...leave now?'

'Uhh, no it's okay. I...I am fine now. I may not find time later so if you are free now then let's talk.' I said to Yoongi oppa.

'Well, on the 2nd floor there is a cafeteria. We can sit there and talk.' He said.

I nodded as I followed him.

'So, you and miss. Kim actually are friends?'

What? Why is he bringing this up again?! Didn't I clarify things earlier?!

'Yeah, we are.' I replied.

'So, there are 3 girls and 3 boys in your groups?'

'No 2- uhh yeah.' I bit back my tongue.


'Why..did you ask?'

'Well, nothing. I just found it interesting since in your group only she isn't an Idol or actor or famous like others.'

'It....does it matter if she isn't any celebrity? Why? Because she is a girl?!' I snapped out.

'N-no..I didn't mean to insult her! I was just wondering..'

I sighed. I guess that dream which I had earlier, wait no nightmare that I had is still haunting me.

'I-I am sorry.'

'It's okay.' He smiled.

'Do you...do you think she isn't capable of pursuing her dreams?' I asked calmly.

'No. It's just, she always seemed so lonely. Even when she has a mother and a father to love and a brother who always thinks about her. That's why.'

'Taehyung oppa right? He is really sweet though.' I said.

'And lonely...that's right, even if you have parents and siblings who love you doesn't mean that they will always continue to love you..' I continued as my eyes were on the ground.

'I heard that your parents didn't want you to become an Idol or producer but still you did what you wanted because you knew they would've supported you sooner or later.'

We walked inside the HYBE CAFE and sat at a corner table even though there wasn't a single person.

'Please give us two lattes.' Yoongi oppa said to the waiter.

Thank god I was wearing a clothed mask. Otherwise, I couldn't even drink anything.

'That's right. My parents still don't support me. As well as my asshole brother. But...what about you? Did your parents support you back then? Or your siblings?' Yoongi oppa asked.

'Hmm..my parents...they abandoned me. Uhh, I mean they gave up on me when I was little, and my sibling...well, I despise and hate that person. So my only family is my friends.' I replied and avoided the gender of my sibling.

'Then how about you talk to your parents?'

'I can't. Things have gone too far. Just like you can't fix a broken vase.' I said as I took the latte from the waiter's hand.

'Thanks.' I said to the waiter.

'What about Miss. Kim? She also seems lonely but she has a family. But you don't seem like you are sad though.'

I smiled. 'Just because I have parents doesn't mean that I am happy and she also has doesn't mean that she is sad. You just happened to see her those times when she was sad and me when I was happy. Not vice versa.' I said.

'Okay... so what you wanted to talk about?'

'Well about our collaboration.' I replied.

'Oh. Wait, I have a demo on my phone.' He said and gave me his phone after connecting the headphones.

I looked at the title.

So far away

So far away....It seems like my situation. Like....my brother is beside me but still so far away from me.

I mentally chuckled as I listened to the demo.

'Why are you smiling so..creepily?'

I laughed at how he uncomfortably said that thinking I may mind his words.

'Nothing. Just the title. Well, I liked the song though.' I said.

'But can I change some parts?'

'Of course!'

'Hmm...how about we change the lyrics a bit?' I asked.

'Where and which part do you want to change?'

'This part....'





'Hmm, I think it is good. I will add this part and make another demo. Oh, by the way, I may make a remake of this So far away with my members.'

'Really? If you want I can do the back vocals.' I said.

'Nah, they both are vocalists. So it won't be a problem.'

'Oh..So....I was thinking if the offer...that you put the other day is still on the plate or not...' I said uneasily.

'Which one?' He asked confusedly.

'Uhh, about doing another collaboration with another member of your team.'

'Oh, of course, you can. I can talk with anybody you want.'

'Can...can I do a collaboration with Taehyung oppa?' I asked.

He froze and blinked a few times.

'O-of course. Is it because of......him being Miss? Kim's brother?'

Shit...He can't tell Taehyung oppa that I am friends with others! Taehyung oppa will be disappointed in me!

'No, actually I-I liked his deep voice and the song I have in my mind needs a deep vocal! That's why!' I tried to convince him.

'Oh, that's true though.'

'Umm, also can you not tell him that Y/N is friends with us?' I asked.

'Why?' He frowned.

'Because..since we are celebrities, we intend to not disclose our non-celebrity friends. That's why we..requested Y/N to not tell anyone about us. You..are the only one who knows this.' I asked.

Suddenly he let a huge smile appear on his face as he nodded, 'Don't worry. I won't. You can trust me.'

Ring ring

I looked at my phone.


Jiyong oppa! He has called me after ages!

My eyes sparkled as I grinned. I quickly answered the call and started to talk,

'Ong! Oppa!' I excitedly chimed.

'I..' I looked at Yoongi oppa.

He smiled and waved his hands before pugging the earphones and scrolling his phones.

'Are you free? Should I come?'

'Yeah, you should! That Wang won't be home for a while!' I sighed.

'Then let's go on a night drive?'

'Perfect! I will wait for you!'
'Oppa.....home.....perfect.....wait....' Is he her brother? Or one of her close friends?' Yoongi thought.


(JAPAN WON!!! Yayy!! 🥳 the one who supported Germany, don't hate me!:( I obviously support Japan because I was raised there:) also I support Germany too but when they don't fight against JAPAN, S.KOREA, ARGENTINA, BRAZIL & FRANCE.)

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