[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hol...

By DiamondDragon2002

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An Object heads High School AU featuring characters from the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity series(s). Our main... More

First day of School #1
First Day of School #2
First Day at School #3
Meeting Pen #1
ABHLOE Character Heights
Meeting Pen #2
Chapter EIGHT!
There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 2
A new Member
Field Trip
ABHLOE Character Heights #2
About Iance
The truth about Freesmart
Rebuilding Friendships
Investigation 2
Picture Day
Discovered #1
Discovered #2
A new Member Again.
About Fall
Righting the Wrong
Home Security
Movie (date)
~New Friend~
Winner & Loser
Investigation 3
BIG problem, dumb solution
Found Out
Investigation 4
Halloween Prep
The Wingman
Tricks & Treats
Party Time
Exchange of Info
Supernatural Encounter
Vengeance pt 1
Vengeance pt 2
Vengeance pt 3
Halloween Dance
Sleep over
Truth or Dare
Culinary Catastrophe
Study session
Black Out
Power Restored
Back to work
The Science Fair
Finally in!
The Reveal
Run Away
Lift Off
Back to Earth
Fall Break
Fun and Games
Arcade Anarchy
Housing problems
Out with the old
This chapter is about Brains
Date Night pt1
Date Night pt 2
Snow Day
Snowball Showdown
Wonders of Winter
Carol of the bells
Gift Preparation
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 1
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 2
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6
Merry Christmas!
The Child
A day at the Park
She returns?!?
Supernatural Visit
Double Trouble
Common Ground
Fair Prep
Questions & Prizes
School Festival
The Losers! Concert
Fortunes and Readings
To The Zoo!
To the Zoo 2!
Mudai no bubun
Casual lunch chat
Pet Play
Uneggpected Visitor
Three is a threat
Candle's Warning
Back Together
Even black holes need therapy
Zodiac Companions
Zodiac Companions 2
Double time
Night out with a friend
Bad Branch Day
Self Conscious
The Yoyle Zone: Like you
The Yoyle Zone: Swapped
The Yoyle Zone: New opportunities
The Yoyle Zone: Hanging out with friends.
The Yoyle Zone: Mishaps
The Yoyle Zone: Understanding
Eggellent Easter
Bring your pet to school day
Mouse, Cat and Dog
Fans and Allergies
Back up
Welcome to The Jungle
Mi Casa, Tu Casa
Grievous error with a side of Heroics (Pt. 1)
Grievous error with a side of heroics (Pt. 2)
Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1
Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in
Operation: Storm the Empire. Escape!
Black Hole the guardian
Friendships Pt 1
Friendships Pt 2
Taking your friend to play golf
Legends of the Cosmic Serpents
Don't leave your phone at home.
Rare Occuence
Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent
Camping Out
Bunk with the sis
Beach Day
Pen's epic wipeout!!
Shrunk n Drunk
Size Shenanigans
Guess who's back
Preparation for a Secret Surprise
Party Presents
Back to School
A Black Hole at Gym class
Play attention
Detention's Tensions
Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)
Aires the guardian of dreams
Fall play auditions
Spooky Night 1
Spooky Night 2
The Play: Act I
The Play: Act 2
The Play: Final Act
Holiday shopping
Seasons Fearing's
Two Teams, One danger!
Frozen Diversion and Not yourself
Pi(e) Day
Post trauma tensions
Death Itself

Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 5

1.1K 28 125
By DiamondDragon2002

Normal P.O.V:

Lightning and Snowball sit on the couch almost awkwardly until Snowball breaks the silence.

Snowball: So... you got accepted you into Death P.A.C.T. after all?

Lightning: Yep, and here you thought they wouldn't due to my kill history. 

Lightning smirks at SB about when he laughed at him when he said he decided to join Death P.A.C.T. Snowball just rolls his eyes but looks back to his flying friend.

Snowball: They really accept anyone in their little club huh?

Lightning: I mean, they let in Black Hole and sure we didn't know he was that in the time but when we all found out we never even thought about giving him the boot. That's basically one of the things Death P.AC.T. strives for, acceptance. 

Lightning: ...

Lightning: Are.. are you thinking about joining SB???~

Snowball: What-? Oh flake no, I have a reputation to keep! >:(

Lighting: Hahaha, that's fair. I have a question for you.

Snowball: Alright lay it on me.

Lightning takes deep breath and releases it to tell SB how he feels.

Lightning: How do you feel about gay relationships?

Snowball: ..........

Floor: Ooh, that just got awkward for you didn't it? 

Lightning and Snowball look below SB's feet to see Floor's face smiling casually. 

Lightning & Snowball: What the-!?/ AH!



Floor: YIPE!


The Floor pops away when Snowball throws his empty glass mug at him. Meanwhile, Nickel is playing a batting challenge against Amethyst and after a few failed attempts he finally hits the ball with the bat and it hits the center target.

Amethyst: Wow nice strike little guy, here's your prize. The hit baseball signed by moi.

Nickel: Oh wow a used ball with the name of someone I don't have a crazed interest in. What an amazing prize!

Amethyst: Ok you smug little imp, if you don't like your prize you should've just said so.

Nickel: No no no no, I'll take it a prize is a prize.

Price Tag: That's a cool baseball Nickel, I had no idea you could swing a bat.  ;D

Nickel holds the baseball and looks into it silently with a small frown to his face. Price Tag then looks back to him with slight concern.

Price Tag: Hey, are you okay? \:(

Nickel: What, I- *phfft I'm totally fine. I'm not sad! 

Price Tag:  :/

Nickel: What're you looking at?

Nickel runs off leaving Price Tag confused.

Price Tag: Yeesh, what's his problem?  \:1

Back with Mic and Black Hole they both return to the makeshift karaoke stage.

Mic: You know of Christmas's verity of songs, right Black Hole?

Black Hole: Thanks to living in the same building as you I do. Why you ask?

Mic: I think you should go up there and try singing.

Black Hole: Oh, uuuhh.. In front of everyone?

Mic: Are you stage frightful

Black Hole: Not exactly. It's that well, sound doesn't travel in space hence my uh hearing problems... I'm not really sure if I can even perceive the sounds or pitch right.

Mic: So what you're saying is you think you might be tone deaf? That's okay, you don't usually have to sound good at karaoke, and since I plan to give you singing lessons at one point I'd like to see what I'm gonna be working with. 

Black Hole: Hmm. If you say so... I guess I'll give it a shot.

Black Hole floats up to the stage and Tree approaches Mic.

Tree: What's Black Hole doing?

Mic: He's trying out singing for the first time.

Black Hole carefully selects a song, holds the microphone in his hand and readies himself to try to sing.

Black Hole: *ahem* jOY tooo tHe WOoRlD! The lORd iiiis COOOOOMMMME!!-~

Everyone covered their ears in pain, Selfie Dog (yes Ruby invited the Selfie Dog) even started to howl. And suddenly all the lights in the building burnt out in a near instant, in reaction to that Black Hole crouched slightly with the face of absolute regret plus realization that he had fluffed up.

Black Hole: OmO'

Knife: BOO! Get off the stage!!

David: Aw Seriously!?

Black Hole: Sorry!

Black Hole swiftly flies into the bathroom despite someone already inside they get knocked out before Black Hole slams the door shut to hide his shame.

Pepper: Hey! Like wait your turn!

Mic: ...

Mic: We've got a lot of work ahead of us....

The main room where the party is being held was in complete darkness, the only light being from luminous people like Lightning, Firey, Firey Jr, and Lightbulb. Garnet grabs a flashlight and attempts to get the guests attention.

Garent: Everyone calm down! Everything is under control, this situation will fixed soon! C'mon Peridot, I'll need your help with this one.

When Garnet and Peridot leave to check on the Mansion's generator, some of Death P.A.C.T.'s members get out flashlights of their own and begin checking in on everyone.

Liy: Is everyone alright? 

Crowd: *various mumbles* 

Liy: Woah Bottle what happened to your face? 

Liy points out the crack obscuring her right eye.

Bottle: Oh, I think Black Hole's performance cracked me a little. I'm not mad at him though, I'm not not a great singer either. :)

Liy: Oh the poor guy must feel awful about causing this.

Fanny: I'd hate myself too if I accidently did a lot of damage.

Remote: Never fear. As his little sister, I will comfort him!

Remote then rushes into the bathroom that Black Hole is hiding in.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Ouch, he probably should've done his first attempt in privet. But at least no windows shattered. XD)

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