𝐦𝐲 π₯𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐞𝐯𝐚...

Par sambubba

452K 8.7K 9K

jade reeds finds it hard to find love, until one day, a blonde boy comes to her life. (oc x sam evans) (seaso... Plus

season 2
01. audition
02. britney/brittany
03. grilled cheesus
04. duets
05. the rocky horror glee show
06. never been kissed
07. the substitute
08. furt
09. special education
10. a very glee christmas
11. the sue sylvester shuffle
12. silly love songs
13. comeback
14. blame it on the alcohol
15. sexy
16. original song
17. a night of neglect
18. born this way
19. rumors
20. prom queen
21. funeral
22. new york
season 3
01. the purple piano project
02. i am unicorn
03. asian f
04. pot o' gold
05. the first time
06. mash off
07. i kissed a girl
08. hold on to sixteen
09. extraordinary merry christmas
10. yes/no
11. michael
12. the spanish teacher
13. heart
14. on my way
15. big brother
16. saturday night glee-ver
17. dance with somebody
18. choke
19. prom-asaurus
20. props
21. nationals
22. goodbye
season 4
01. the new rachel
02. britney 2.0
03. makeover
04. the break up
05. the role you were born to play
06. glease
07. dynamic duets
08. thanksgiving
09. swan song
10. glee, actually
11. sadie hawkins
12. naked
13. diva
14. i do
15. girls (and boys) on film
17. guilty pleasures
18. shooting star
19. sweet dreams
20. lights out
21. wonder-ful
22. all or nothing
season 5
01. love, love, love
02. tina in the sky with diamonds
03. the quarterback
04. a katy or a gaga
05. end of twerk
06. movin' out
07. puppet master
08. previously unaired christmas
09. frenemies
10. trio
11. city of angels
12. 100
13. new directions
14. new new york
15. bash
16. tested
17. opening night
18. the back-up plan
19. old dog, new tricks
20. the untitled rachel berry project
season 6
01. loser like me
02. homecoming
03. jagged little tapestry
04. the hurt locker, part 1
05. the hurt locker, part 2
06. what the world needs now
07. transitioning
08. a wedding
09. child star
10. the rise and fall of sue sylvester
11. we build this glee club
12. 2009
13. dreams do come true
01. till death do us apart
02. baby in the oven
the end

16. fued

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Par sambubba


IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE FINN TOLD MR. SCHUE ABOUT THE KISS. instead of mr. schue beating the crap out of him, like finn thought might happened, mr. schue decided to make finn his personal assistant.

it was clear to everyone in the classroom that mr. schue was mad at finn. they could sense the tension between the two guys.

finn came in with cups of coffee in his hands. mr. schue had asked him to go get him coffee from the lima bean. something he had been doing recently.

"sorry i'm late. huge line up at the lima bean, but here are the lattes that mr. schue made me get everybody."

he passed the coffees around, making sure to give the right ones to the correct person. mr. schue sipped his coffee, and he did not like it.

"um, i asked for two pumps of mocha, finn. i taste three. take 'em back. all of them."

finn stood there in shock. "i'm sorry, mr. schue, but all i did was pick up the vests. i didn't..."

"what's most upsetting is you actually think these vests are clean." mr. schue said, interrupting finn.

jade didn't really like how mr. schue was treating her best friend. yeah, he made a mistake, but he shouldn't make him do things for him. instead, they should just talk it out like a normal person.

"finn has been acting like he's losing his mind." ryder said, earning a death stare from jade.

"great job, ryder see that, guys? prowess on the football field and a terrific singing voice are not mutually exclusive."

finn had had enough of this and decided it was time to end it. "i can't take it anymore!" he said. jade couldn't be more proud of seeing him stand up for himself. "okay, it's bad enough you're treating me like your lackey, but i'm not gonna sit here while you fake compliment ryder just to hurt. me!"

jade frowned a bit, noticing the hurt in finn's voice. she knew that finn looked up to mr. schue and that he was like a father figure to him. the fact that he was hurting him, made her frowned.

finn kicked the music stand as he left the choir room. jade instantly got up from her chair and followed him.

"jade, we still have glee." mr. schue told her.

"not today," before leaving, she made sure to kick the music stand that finn kicked. if finn hadn't left so fast, she knew that he would be proud of her.


"YOU'RE FEUDING." jade told mr. schue and finn. jade and blaine decided that this feud between the two should end now. they also both thought it would be best if they talked it out. if they couldn't talk it out, then sing it out. "it needs to stop stop. seriously. it's like hatfields and mccoys in here."

blaine nodded his head, agreeing with his best friend. "so epic musical feuds is our theme. and for the first time in glee history, we are giving you, our fearless leaders, an assignment."

"you two will explore and resolve your differences by performing a song together inspired by a classic musical rivalry." jade continued.

if finn was being honest, he could see jade as a teacher. it had only been a day since he stormed out fo the choir room, and she already had come up with an assignment to stop the feud.

"guys..." mr. schue said, not liking this idea.

"regionals are coming up, mr. schue, and if we're gonna have any chance of winning, we need both of you. on the same page and on the same team."

finn and mr. schue both looked at each other before looking back at jade and blaine. they did have a point. in order to win regionals, the two teachers had to get along and work together.

"deal." finn said, making blaine and jade high five each other. "we'll do the assignment."

the two teachers left and blaine and jade looked at each other. blaine wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they saw them leave.

"we make a pretty great team." blaine said, earning a nod from jade.

"we do. blade!"

when she yelled out their names together, blaine couldn't help but laugh at the young girl. blade, he thought. great name for a great team.


BLAINE ANDERSON HAD STARTED A FEUD WITH SUE SYLVESTER. blaine wasn't very happy with what sue did to him for not wanting to join the cheerios again. he also messed up his hair gel, and for him, that was crossing the line.

as he walked up to jade, jade was too busy chatting with sam and he kept making her laugh with his impressions. something that blaine found normal since he would always catch the couple laughing at something or kissing.

slamming jade's locker shut, blaine made both jade and sam jump. they both faced him with wide eyes. sam could of swear that he almost had an accident because blaine had scared him.

"dude, you can't just walk up to us and slam jade's locker. you almost gave me a heart attack." sam said, obviously being dramatic.

blaine didn't have a happy face, making jade and sam back away from him a little. if they were being honest, the couple would always get scared when blaine would be angry at something because you never know what might happen. he was always sweet and caring, but when he was angry, he was a totally different person.

"your cheerios coach is threatening me for not joining the cheerios!" blaine said, pointing at jade. "she messed with my hair gel and now my hair feels like a rock. also, becky slapped my ass, which was really weird and uncomfortable."

sam being curious, knocked on blaine's head, feeling how hard his hair was. he let out gasped and continued, making blaine slap his hand softly. sam pouted as he rubbed his arms. jade gave blaine a death stare for hitting him, and that made blaine calm down a bit.

feeling his hair,  jade also let out a gasp. "not the hair gel." she whispered.

"sue and i are officially feuding. i know we said that it was suppose to be about finn and mr. schue and us helping them on their feud, but she has gone anther level. she took out 30 credit cards and a house loan under my name. my identity is stolen and my parents credit is ruined.  oh, and don't get me started on the sign. that stupid sign! that's completely inexcusable. and it's not true."

"what did the sign say?" sam asked, feeling a bit scared of his. best friend as he rested his chin on jade's shoulder.

"that i'm a bottom! so not true." blaine was yelling at this point, as students walking past the three kept looking at them weirdly. "we are feuding, and the way we are fighting is by doing nicki versus mariah."


"yes, and in any second, sue is going to come and ask you to be on her team. please, i'm begging you, please don't go on her side. you hate her as much as me. be on my side. we could end her. remember, blade!"

jade was liking blaine's idea. sure, she loved sue, but sometimes she hated her. you could say it was a love-hate relationship. on the other hand, sam was confused at what was going on. he was also confused at the name he just heard.


"yeah, it's mine and jade's team name. you like it?"

sam put of a fake smile as he nodded his head. "yeah, but blam or blamade is better."

before jade could agree with saline and his idea to destroying sue, sue came up to the three with becky as she wore a nicki minaj wig. sam and jade looked at each other confused, as blaine glared at sue. it looked like him and sue were having a staring eye contest because none of them were blinking.

"shortstack, or should i say traitor, i overheard your conversation with gay warbler here. i thought you were going to be on my side that i brought you a nicki wig so you can perform with me and beat his ass. sure, we have a love-hate relationship, but if you do join me, i'll do anything you want me to do."

jade knew what sue was doing, she had done it with her sister when she was in high school. she was mind playing her. jade being the smart girl she is, didn't fall for it though, as she wrapped her arm around blaine's shoulder.

"sorry sue, but, i already made my decision. i'm gonna be the great friend i am and support blaine."

sue crossed her arms and looked at sam, who still didn't know what was happening. "how about you, macaulay caulking stunt double. wanna become a cheerio and wear a nicki minaj wig to impress your little girlfriends here?"

"as much as you scare me, i'm going with my little girlfriends. and blamade is going to take you down."


IT WAS THE DAY FOR FINN AND MR. SCHUE TO FOR THEIR FEUD ASSIGNMENT. the boys had decided to help them out with their performance. sam, ryder, and artie were on finn's side as they wore a red piece of clothing. blaine an jake were both mr. schue's side, wearing a blue piece of clothing.

finn was pretty nervous about the performance, as he kept walking back and forth. sam had noticed, and since jade wasn't there backstage with them, it was going to be his job to calm down his best friend. walking towards him, sam placed his hand on finn's shoulder.

"you alright, dude?"

finn turned around to look at sam, as he let out a sigh. "i don't know. i guess i'm just nervous on what's about to happen. what if it doesn't work out. i can't loose my father figure. sure, i have burt, but, mr. schue's been there for me longer than him."

"it's alright to feel like that, i think. but hey, if it doesn't work out, you still have jade and i, and you'll always have us. there's nothing to worry about, okay? you're gonna do great and we're gonna smash it."

finn let out a sigh and nodded his head, knowing that sam was right. if mr. shcue didn't want to forgive him after this feud assignment, he still had his two best friends, and that's all that mattered. "thanks, man." the two boys hugged it out and walked to the stage.


everyone in the room could tell that the two teachers were having fun during the performance and that they were ready to forgive each other. "well, the love on the stage is obvious." jade said, earning nods of agreement from everyone in the room. you two bros need to just hug it out."

finn couldn't help but agree with jade, knowing that she was right. so, turning to mr. schue, he smiled at him. "i'm in." what do you say, mr. schue?"

mr. schue really did want to hug it out, but he just couldn't. he was still hurt about the whole situation, and he didn't know if he was ready to forgive his former student. "i-i want to, finn. i-i really do, i just... i can't."

finn's smile dropped a bit, knowing that this might happened. but, he tried to show that he was okay, as he still kept a fake smile on his face. "fine. cool. there's nothing i can do or say to win back your trust. i get it. for whatever it's worth, thanks. for everything."

finn walked off stage and out of the auditorium with his head down. jade looked at sam, who was already looking at her. he nodded at her, telling him to go check up on him and that he would meet the two later. jade nodded back and got up from her seat.

"i'm gonna go check up on him in case he kicks another chair or music stand."


BLAINE AND JADE WERE STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHOIR ROOM AS THEY DISCUSSED THEIR PLAN TO BRING DOWN SUE SYLVESTER. sam couldn't help but feel a bit left out that his girlfriend and his best friend were doing all the detective work, and didn't include him. but, his sadness was gone when jade came up to him and pulled him to the conversation.

she had sense that sam had been feeling left out and she didn't like seeing him upset. so, she decided to include him in the plan. blaine was really nervous that it might not work and that sue would destroy him in this feud.

"look, the point is that you sing a song that nobody in this room likes so you can be a cheerio and you can destroy sue. i mean, everyone in this room likes nicki minaj more than mariah, right babe?"

sam nodded, crossing his arms and pretending to be a secret agent. "that is correct. besides, you never know what sue is going to do in her performance. she's a scary lady that is full of surprises. did you know that she tried killing jade and brittany by putting them in a canon for nationals? yeah, crazy, man."

blaine looked at sam confused and in shock. "um... i hope she doesn't do that to me. but, anyways, when we vote, make sure you vote for her. i don't care if my performance was great, vote for her. part of the plan."

the couple nodded their heads as the went back to their seats. sue entered with cheerios following behind her. she was wearing a nicki minaj wig, and so were the other cheerios. walking up to her, jade couldn't help but scoot even closer to sam.

"hello, traitor. you could of been wearing one of these wigs, but no, you decided to team up with gay warbler. you're lucky that i like you or you wouldn't be in that uniform right now."

sue passed jade and sat down on a chair. sam grabbed jade's hand and led her to her seat.


as sue interrupted blaine's performance, jade and sam both had wide eyes and their jaws were dropped. sue had everything for her performance. she had lights, feathers, even backup dancers. in the corner, blaine was also shocked at the performance.

"and that, ladies, gays, and in betweeners, and hag for life, is how it's done."

everyone in the room cheered for both of them, mostly for sue though. "impressive, sue, both of you." mr. schue said.

"but coach sylvester used like, feathers and a black light, and she brought the cheerios. it's not fair." tina argued.

"yes, but nobody ever said life is fair, tina."

"so, William." sue said. "though it's shockingly clear who the winner is, would you do the honors, and unlike that interminably long voting montage at the end of lincoln, let's make this fast."

"show of hands for blaine as mariah." mr. schue said. although, as much as jade and sam wanted to support there best friend, they had to follow the plan, so the put their hands down. tina was the only one who put her hand up. blaine smiled at her, thanking her.

"all in favor of sue as nicki?" everyone, beside tina, rose their hands, meaning that sue was declared the winner.

"well, i hope you're ready for some form-fitting polyester, gay clark kent from season one of smallville, because it looks like you're going to be the bottom of my cheerios pyramid after all." sue said to blaine as she walked away.

jade and sam made their way to blaine, each placing a hand on his shoulder. "guess i'll see you at practice."


FINN WAS IN HIS OFFICE GETTING ALL OF HIS BELONGINGS. he was going to leave today and go somewhere. he still didn't know what he was going to do or go, but he was going to find eventually. hopefully.

as he packed his belongings, marley and jade made their way to his office. arriving at his office, jade stood back a little bit, not liking what she was just looking at. marley had noticed and turned around to look at her. she gave her a reassuring smile, telling her everything would be okay.

"so, you really are leaving?" jade asked, making finn turn around. he gave her a weak smile as he nodded his head. "yeah, i am."

he saw how jade was holding marley's hand for comfort, something she would do often when she was feeling sad. she let go of marley's hand and went over to finn's desk, sitting down and picking up a picture frame he had of the two of them. it was a picture of them when they were 5 years old.

"i just wanted to thank you." marley told him. "for everything you did to me. thank you." finn nodded his head, as he welcomed her. "so... what is it for you?"

finn thought about it for a minute, trying to find an answer. but, nothing came up to his mind. "i don't know. probably a lot of long hours of figuring out what's next for me."

"can i speak freely?" marley asked, making finn look at her confused.

"yeah, sure, i'm not your commanding officer or anything. say whatever you want."

"dude, you really need to grow a pair." she said, making jade and finn look at her with wide eyes. jade covered her mouth, trying not laugh.

"maybe you should go back to not speaking so freely."

"i know that you're feeling bad about yourself right now. also i know how just one kiss can get you into a whole lot of trouble. but if mr. schue doesn't want you around anymore, forget him. do't let him define you."

"problem is, he does define me. the four years i spent in this club defines me. this whole freaking school defines me, and without it, i am... i just feel... lost."

jade couldn't help but frown at what finn had just said. she was going to say something, but marley cut her off. "after we lost sectionals, i was terrified that everything was going to fall apart, but you fought to keep us together. you're a natural leader, finn. a teacher. you don't need mr. schue's approval to be that."

"yeah, but i kind of need a little thing called a teaching degree."

"so..." jade began to say, as she went to go stand next to marley. "go get one."

marley had left so finn and jade could talk for a bit. jade went back to finn's chair and got the picture frame again. finn smiled at her weakly, knowing that jade didn't want him to leave. he also didn't want to leave her either. he needed her and she needed him.

"i'm gonna miss you loofus."

jade looked up at him, and for the first time ever, she didn't say anything about the nickname. "i'm gonna miss you too, finn." standing up, she put the picture frame of the picture of them in the box of his things. "do something for me really quick before you leave."

grabbing her hand, jade led him to the choir room. finn looked around the room when he saw sam there, placing chairs and music stands around the room. sam looked up at them and smiled.

"finally, you guys are here. kind of got scared that i might get in trouble for being here late."

"why are there chairs and music stands around the whole room. are we having those things were people argue?"

"debate? no, we're not having that." jade said, as she stood next to sam. "we're gonna do something else. tell him, bub.

"we're gonna take out all of our anger, finn hudson style."

finn looked at the couple with wide eyes. "what?"

"kick the stupid chair, finn! take your anger and your sadness out!"

"yeah, man! we all know you still something in there that you have to take out. take it all out!"

as sam and jade were encouraging him to kick the chairs and the music stands, finn didn't really have an option, as the couple kept yelling and cheering him on to do it. so, the first thing finn did was kick the chair that was right in front of him.

"yeah!" sam cheered as he clapped and started kicking the music stands and chairs around him. "come on, babe. kick it!"

and with that, the three best friends started to have a lot of fun kicking things in the choir room. finn was really gonna miss the two, even if it meant seeing them being a cute couple, he still was gonna miss seeing them everyday.

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