15. girls (and boys) on film

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MR. SCHUE STILL MANAGE TO COME TO SCHOOL EVEN AFTER THE WHOLE SITUATION THAT HAD HAPPENED AT HIS WEDDING. he wanted to be there for his students to prepare them for regionals. sure, finn was a great job at doing it, but mr. schue missed teaching them.

"everybody loves movies." he said as he started this week's glee meeting. "they don't just tell stories... they transport us to other worlds. they are inspirational. they provide comfort, and they help us escape from our day-to-day anxieties."

"like getting left at the altar?" kitty said, making everyone look at her.

mr. shue decided to ignore her, and continue his lesson. "or in your guys' case, studying for exams or... worrying about regionals. in any case, for this week'd assignment, i want you to pick your favorite songs from your favorite movies."

everyone cheered, liking the idea of this week's assignment. jade has always wanted to sing a song from footloose or mamma mia, so maybe this was her chance to sing one.

"unique knows all there is to know about the crying game."

"you don't get dibs on les mis just because you are the poster." kitty told unique.

"finally i can do my nicolas cage impression. "oh, not the bees! no! the bees! no!"" sam said in his nicolas cage impression, making jade giggle.

"that is the worse nicolas cage impression i've ever seen."

"so you even know who nicolas cage is?" jade told kitty, as kitty rolle her eyes and crossed her arms.

"okay, it's not that simple, guys. this is a group competition... boys against girls and we are doing mash-ups. now remember, movies are visual. so it's not just about the singing... it's about... performance, it's about theatricality, it's about the language of cinema. now, everyone split up and start working on your song choices."

before sam and jade could go their separate ways, finn pulled them towards him. all he was thinking about was mr. schue's wedding and how he still kept blaming himself for it.

"you guys, i can't stop blaming myself for what happened at mr. schue's wedding."

sam was very clueless and didn't know what his friend was talking about. he turned to jade, and saw how she knew what was going on, making him more confused and clueless.

"umm, i'm very confused. why are you blaming yourself for ms. pillsbury leaving mr. schue at the altar?"

"you didn't tell him?" finn asked jade.

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