19. sweet dreams

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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE WHOLE SHOOTING SITUATION HAD HAPPENED. mostly everyone in glee club had been acting differently since then. jade had been suffering from separation anxiety and ptsd. someone had to be by her side, she didn't care who it was. jade was still having trouble sleeping at night that sometimes she would sleep in daxton's room for company.

jade was in the hallway with marley, tina, and brittany. she hadn't been paying attention to what the girls were saying. she had been zoning out recently, flashbacks from last week coming back to her mind. melissa had considered therapy, but jade refused, thinking it wasn't such a big of a deal.

what made jade come back to reality, was when sam, or his "twin" evan, came up to the girls. "oh hey, you must, uh, be jade. my brother has told me a lot about you." he said with an australian accent.

jade looked at the boy with a confused look. this had been happening for a couple of days that she didn't know what to do anymore. in the moment, she had forgotten about sam pretending to have a twin, as she called him by his real name.

"hey, sam."

"that's not sam." brittany said. "that's sam's smarter twin brother, evan."

"right, yeah. i forgot. you two just look alike." jade said, with no emotion in her voice. sam, being evan, noticed it, but not wanting to break character, decided to ignore it and pretend he was getting a call.

"oh. phone's ringing. oh, it's my brother. oh, hey, sam, i was actually just looking for you..." once sam left, marley wrapped her arms around jade. she knew that her best friend needed that hug, especially for what happened last week.

wanting to cheer her up, marley decided to include her in the conversation the girls were having earlier. "so, i heard you guys got a new cheerios coach. how's that going?"

hearing jade groan, marley knew it wasn't going well. "i can't believe i'm saying this, but, i miss sue. blaine and i were trying to bring her down ever since feud week, but now i want her back. it's insane without her."

"i heard she's a great coach though."

"she is, but i refer sue. which is something i thought i would never say."

before marley could say something else, sam came up to them, clearly looking for someone. "hey babe, marley. have you seen evan?"

"he went that way." jade said, pointing behind her. marley could tell that jade just wanted sam to stop pretending to have a twin. since the two of them had been separated, jade just wanted to be with sam. but, sam had also been suffering the sam thing as her, making him pretend he had a twin.

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