12. silly love songs

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"go get your mans"

it was valentines day, the day of love

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it was valentines day, the day of love. and noah puckerman had found love for none other than lauren zizes. he needed help with asking her out, weird right. so why not ask someone to help him out. so he walked up to jade.

"j, i need your help."

"weird, what did you do?" she said with raised eyebrows.

"i didn't do anything illegal. i actually need help on asking zizes."

"wait, noah puckerman, wants my help on asking a girl out. aren't you like a man slut?"

"what, who said that?"

"santana. but that doesn't matter. why do you need my help?"

"well, you know what to say and you are dating sam, which i don't know why, you could be dating me." jade gave him a confused look. "i'm not dating sam."

puck ignored her and continued. "we all know i'm not the smartest guy in the world." he said earning a nod from jade. "but there are two lessons i learned the hard way. never punch a cop."

"what?" jade whispered.

"the other one, you can't choose love. love chooses you. i mean, i could have any girl i wanted, but here i am, talking to you, and i only keep thinking about one woman. we needed a twelfth member for sectionals and i told her if she joined the glee club, i'd giver her seven minutes in heaven." jade scrunched her nose in disgust.

"i'm in love with lauren zizes, jade."

"i can tell. look, i'm not an expert at love or any of this couple stuff. but, i do know is that, if you don't know how to tell lauren you love her or how to ask her out, sing her a song."

"maybe you should try that with sam. and i think i got the perfect song to sing to her. thanks j." he left. jade just shook her head and smiled. puck was like her big brother ever since her actual big brother passed away. she turned and walked to her next class.


finn hudson walked down the hall like if he was a celebrity. he caught up to jade at her locker.

"happy valentines day. i figured since we are both single, we be each other's valentine." he said holding a box of jade's favorite chocolate.

"aww, thanks. sorry didn't give you anything. didn't know we were each others valentines. but hey, you can have some on my chocolate." finn jumped up and down of excitement and got two chocolates from jade.

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