08. furt

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"the hummel-hudson wedding"

jade was at finn's locker having a conversation

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jade was at finn's locker having a conversation. they both stopped when they saw carole, burt, and kurt walk up to them.

"oh, what's going on? is this one of those interventions or something?"

"if it is, it's for both of us. they bombarded me and forced me to bring to you." kurt said.

"if this is some family meeting, i should probably go then." before jade could leave, carole stopped her.

"no honey, i known you all you're life, you're part of the family, stay." jade felt her heart melt.

"okay. come on, tell em."

"no, no, no. you come on."

"no. we said in the car."

"come on you."

"come on, you you."

after what felt like hours of them going back and forth, but finally decided he shared the news.

"all right! so you know how i drive carole to work every tuesday? well, today i drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, i might add... and i..."

"he proposed! he proposed!"

"you stole the punch line! come on!"

the three of them gasp. jade made her way to them and hugged them before taking carole's hand and seeing the ring.

"it's beautiful."

"this just happened?"

"oh dad!" kurt said also admiring the ring with jade.

"we wanted the two of you, and jade, to be the first to know."

"yeah, after the kids in that homeroom. come on, family hug, huh? you too jade. okay. come on!"

"i'm so excited and-and nervous!"

"oh, don't be, don't be."

"well, no. okay."

"oh, my god, this is just what i needed. i will take care of it from here. i have a trunk full of wedding magazines hidden under my bed. i'm thinking of a russet and cognac theme. those are colors, finn. fall wedding colors. autumnal."

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