06. mash off

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"if i die playing this stupid game, i'm blaming you"

as jade walked out of the bathroom, she saw puck standing there waiting for someone

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as jade walked out of the bathroom, she saw puck standing there waiting for someone. she jumped a bit not knowing why he was there. before she could even ask why he was there, puck threw her over his shoulder. "what the heck puckerman!" jade said as she tried to get off, but since he had a strong grip on her, she couldn't. puck made his way to an empty classroom and put jade down. as she was put down, jade slapped him on his arm.

"why do you always do that?" she asked as she smoothed down her skirt. "i don't know. look, i need to ask you something?"

"why couldn't you just ask me when i walked out of the restroom. also, why were you there? were you stalking someone?"

"yeah, you." jade's eyes widen, but puck ignored her and kept talking. "have you ever liked a teacher?"

"umm... like them as a teacher or like like them?"

"like like them."

"eww! gross. why would you think that?" jade said with a disturbed look on her face.

"so, you have never liked a teacher. even mr. shue?"

jade gagged. "no! why are you asking me this?"

"because, i may have or may have not kissed shelby." he said as he saw how jade's eyes widen even more. "look, i know it's wrong and it's not cool. but, i think she digs me. i mean who wouldn't."

"i don't." puck rolled his eyes. "yeah, sure you don't. anyways, i've been going to her house to see beth and last night we just kissed."

"well, i don't know what to say puck. i'm sorry. i have never been in a situation were i kissed a teacher before. you should probably end what you two have either way. it can get you two in a lot of trouble and it might prevent you to not seeing beth ever again."

puck stood in silence. he didn't really think about beth in this situation. he of course loved beth and he obviously wanted to see her. she was his daughter after all. "just talk it out with her." jade said as she began to walk out. puck stopped her by stepping in front of the door.


"so, you sure you don't dig me?" jade rolled her eyes and pushed puck away. puck turned around and saw her leave. "i'm taking that as a yes."



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