16. tested

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SAM HAD A GREAT IDEA THAT HE WANTED TO SHARE WITH THE BOYS. he had been wanting to have a special day with jade. well, special night with his girlfriend. jade had been working hard at school that sam decided it was best to have a date. maybe even a little something something.

as the four guys were sitting down at a table at a restaurant, sam echoed to tell them the idea he had in his mind. his idea was to go get tested at the doctors, wanting to make sure he was healthy and not make jade sick. he knew that if he made jade sick, then he would go all crazy.

"you guys," sam said, getting each of his friend's attention. "you need to heel me find a clinic."

when sam said that, the boys looked at him confused and a bit worried. why did sam need to go to a clinic? was something wrong with him?

"are you sick?"

sam shook his head no, making them relax a bit. "um, i don't think so."

"then what do you need a clinic for?"

"to make sure that i'm not, you know, sick." sam saw the looks on their faces, which were confused looks. they had no idea what sam was talking about. "look," he sighed. "i'm trying to be a gentleman here, like, you know, jade-wise. i want to get an std test just to make sure i have a clean bill of health to, you know, ease her mind. she's been working really hard with school and i want to treat her right."

"i thought you guys had sex already." blaine said, sipping his water. he obviously knew that since he had caught them making out at school multiple times, which almost led them to be intimate. sure, it traumatized him, but he got used to it at some point.

sam tried hiding his face, not wanting his friends to see how red he got. "yeah, but, uh i don't know. i just want to make sure i'm clean. i really love her and i don't want to be the reason why she has an std."

"well, i, for one, think that's very, uh, admirable and postmodern romantic." kurt said, liking sam's idea. "if you need a free clinic, there's one on 14th street in chelsea."

"does it hurt?" sam started to panic a bit, since he was a bit scared if there was gonna be any needles involved. "i mean, do they, like, stick your thing with anything?"

"no, it's just, like, a blood and urine sample. it's just quick and simple. if you're nervous about it, i'll go with you."

sam nodded, feeling a bit better. kurt ended up agreeing with his fiancé about going with sam to get tested. they also seemed to convince artie to go to, even though he knew he didn't have anything wrong with his body. well, that's what artie thought.

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