10. the rise and fall of sue sylvester

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EVEN THOUGH JADE WANTED TO TAKE THINGS SLOW, SHE KNEW THAT MOVING IN TOGETHER WAS THE RIGHT THING FOR RIGHT NOW. she wanted to ask her boyfriend, sam, if he would like to move in into her small apartment. i mean, he would always be there 24/7, and it felt like he was already living with her. why not make it permanent?

jade was making some chicken nuggets that she brought from the grocery store in her kitchen, waiting for sam to come home from work. the young woman decided not to go to work today, wanting a day off and focus more on her online classes.

her online classes were starting to get even more stressful and more difficult. more difficult than when she was actually attending nyu in person. but she knew if she wanted to move back to lima, but still attend her classes, the best decision was doing them online.

besides, jade felt like she had more time to spend with her friends and family. when she would go to school in person, she never really got to see them as much, which is why sam and her ended up having that argument back in new york. so, it was nice to see them more often.

as her chicken nuggets were done cooking, jade heard her doorbell ring. she knew who it was, and ran towards the door excitedly. you may ask, why is jade cooking chicken nuggets when sam is coming over? shouldn't she make something more special?

well, jade was not a great cook, nor a great baker. every time she had the time to improve her cooking and baking, she would either fail, or almost run down the house. so, she stopped trying, but she wants to get better in the future. for right now, chicken nuggets from the grocery store were gonna have to do.

opening the door, jade gave her boyfriend a wide smile. "hi, bubba!" she said, giggling a bit when sam wrapped his arms around her waist to bring her into a hug.

"hi, baby!" pulling away, sam noticed that the house smelled like food. "are you making homemade chicken nuggets?"

oh how well did he know her. "yeah. well, actually, they're from the grocery store. but if you ran into our friends later or tomorrow, tell them i made them."

sam smiled, knowing that his girlfriend was the worse when it came to cooking. he would usually be the one making the food when it came to dates or just for fun. but when it came to baking, both of them were not great. if they were baking a cake, the cake would taste not so great.

entering, sam set his red sweater he wore everyday to work, on top of jade's couch. then, he made his way to where jade was, the kitchen. she placed the chicken nuggets on a plate, then on her island countertop.

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