07. puppet master

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IT WAS CHAOTIC IN THE CHOIR ROOM. it was loud and there was too many things happening at once. it wasn't usually like this, since mr. schue would never allow them to do the things they were doing. but, since he was not here, they could do whatever they want.

jade was sitting on top of sam's lap as he was playing the drums. she took the drumsticks out of his hands and started playing. sam was impressed that she knew how to play. he found it somewhat hot that his girlfriend knew how to play the drums.

finn had taught jade when they were little kids. they would be in finn's living room, where he had his drum set, and they would have little performances for their parents. finn was always playing the drums, while jade was the lead singer.

blaine entered, surprised by the chaos going on. to get everyones attention, he started to raise his voice, just so everyone could hear him. "guys!"

that made everyone stop what they were doing, and put their attention on blaine. sam rested his chin on jade's shoulder, as jade stopped playing the drums. "i just ran into mr. schue, and he's gonna be stuck in his classroom for the rest of the afternoon because of some school board inspection thing."

jade quietly cheered, making sam chuckled. sure, mr. schue was sometimes a good teacher, but he wasn't jade's favorite.

"but," blaine continued. "he still wanted us to meet so we can start working on ideas for nationals."

"beyonce!" unique shouted out.

"mamma mia again. we only did it once, we have to do it again." jade said, making marley nod in agreement.

"i agree with jade. let's do mamma mia. can jade and i perform waterloo, please?" marley practically begged as she jumped up and down in her place. jade started clapping her hands, hoping that they could do mamma mia.

everyone started to shout out some ideas that they wanted to do for nationals, making blaine feel annoyed from the shouting. "this anarchy!" he shouted. "we can't... we can't all just shout at the same time."

once the noise was silenced, blaine felt better. "that's better. i have some ideas already. i'm thinking that the music needs to be simple, so we can really highlight our voices. no guitars, or nothing electronic. we go with a simple piano arrangement. which either jade or i can play."

"i'm assuming you're singing lead?" kitty asked.

"well," blaine started to say. "i am a senior, and this is my last go at it. we need to win this."

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