29 | dojo day care

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to worry about a thing, Principal Buckett" Jerry assured the older man.

"I'm holding you responsible for my son, Jerry."

"Big mistake" Azalea muttered before cooing at the small boy as she made her way over to place him by the toys.

"I'll be back at 7;00, and my legs will be smouldering. Olé!"

"This really stinks, Jerry" Milton said.

"Oh, relax" Jerry said dismissively, "It's just a couple of hours with one little baby."

"By the way" the principal walked back inside, "I put up a notice on the faculty bulletin board about this place."

"Come again" Azalea asked in horror and the next second at least ten of their teachers walked inside and placed their babies by Jerry before walking out again.

"I think I just got babied."


Chaos, disaster, idiotic, the dumbest idea ever.

Those are just some words to describe the situation they were in right now. Children were running around everywhere, screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Hey! Hey! Hold it. Stop! Stop running!" Jack chased a little girl around the dojo.

"Hey, that kid has got my trophy again!" Rudy shouted before he started to chasing the boy around the them, "Get back here, you!"

The kid stopped and slammed the trophy into a table which resulted in a loud cracking sound, "No! He snapped my little man's head off. You better sleep with one eye open during nap time!"

Azalea was desperately trying to clean the place up which was completely unnecessary sense it took about one second for everything to be messed up again. She was surely going insane.

"Rudy!" Jack called, carrying the little girl he had chased earlier. She giggled and he mocked giggled back, "Rudy, where is Milton."

"He's changing some baby's diaper" Rudy said picking up some toys from the ground.

"He is?" Jack asked confused, "Well, what about his fear of germs?"

Milton walked out wearing a full body suit, looking like he just had done some radioactive experiment, pulling a cart behind him with a child in it. He threw the diaper in the trash before opening up his body suit and breathing heavily.

"Okay, we should be good now" Milton told them, "That diaper weighed more than he does."

"We got an escapee! Pigtails walking!" Rudy shouted before exiting the dojo.

Azalea threw some balls back into the pin, running a hand through her hair in exasperation. "How are you feeling?" Jack asked carefully, walking up behind her after placing the little girl pack on the ground.

"I've come to the realisation that I will never have children" she said looking around the room in panic, "and that it's possible to have five panic attacks at the same time."

"I can see how this isn't your scene" he grimaced, knowing how much his girlfriend liked having everything a certain way, and couldn't deal with disorder.

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