Eddie moved over to slowly push Milton away, very slowly.


"Come on, guys. We gotta think" Jack said as they sat stretching on the floor inside the dojo, "Uh, there's gotta be another place we can skateboard."

"Well, there's that paved path through the cemetery" Jerry suggested.

"That's not gonna happen" Milton shot down the idea, "With my deliciously plump brain, I'm considered grade A zombie bait."

"Yeah, that's clearly the only problem with an otherwise brilliant idea" Azalea said sarcastically while leaning over to touch her foot with ease.

"Look, when I was a kid, we didn't need skateparks" Rudy told them, "We used to make our own games like 'What's That Smell?' or 'Whose Hair is This?' or 'Why is that Wet?'"

"Well, when you were a kid you didn't have western medicine or running water either" Azalea smirked at her brother who in turn threw a rag at her.

"Look, we just need a place to skate" Kim said before the two siblings could start a fight.

"I don't even understand why skateboarding is so cool" Rudy said, "When I was in school, the only person who was into it was a kid named Luke Sampson." Rudy then seemed to go into some kind of flash back for a few seconds before snickering, "I wonder whatever happened to that loser."

"Uh, actually, he became a multi-millionaire skateboard mogul" Kim said showing Rudy a magazine with Luke on it.

"What?!" Rudy exclaimed while snatching the magazine.

"He just released a cool new body spray called 'Damp'" Eddie said.

"I love their slogan" Jerry added, "Damp. When moist isn't enough."

"Wait a minute" Jack said in realisation, "Guys, he builds skateboard all over the country. Maybe we can get him to build one right here."

"Yeah, Rudy, since you know him, can you get us a meeting?" Kim asked hopefully.

"What?" Rudy said not having listened to their conversation, "Uh, yeah. Yeah. No, Luke is my boy. We were tight" he tried to sound convincing, "And just so you guys know, I've been working on my own body spray. It's called 'Midnight Ninja'. It's the smell you never see coming."

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't see smells" Azalea snorted, "It's a result of not being a cartoon."

"Silent but deadly" Jerry said dramatically.

"Ooh, that would be a good slogan" Rudy grinned.

"Uh, it wasn't a slogan, it was a warming" Jerry admitted.

"See a doctor, man" Azalea yelled as they evacuated the dojo.


Rudy had kept up his promise to introduce them to Luke and they were now inside L.S Industries which was pretty much just a big skate park.

"Luke, thanks so much for seeing us" Rudy said as Luke showed them around the indoor skatepark, "It's pretty incredible, right? We came from the same school, and look at us now."

"Yeah. One of you with an international business and helicopters. And one with a barely running dojo and mom's bike" Azalea smirked and instead of answering Rudy gave her a shove to shut her up, sending her tumbling into Jack who caught her by the waist.

"I knew you couldn't help yourself from falling for me" Jack winked as he helped her stand up straight.

"You are so cute" Kim cooed with an excited grin, quiet enough so only the two of them could hear.

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